Is This Who You Really Are? Is This What You Really Want?

in #news8 years ago (edited)

I have but a few really simple questions that can be answered with a YES or NO answer:

Do you really want a financial collapse of major markets & banks causing a global economic recession?

Do you really want to kill innocent people on the other side of world with nuclear weapons?

Do you really want to starve children in this country to prove a point?

Do you really want to hurt the disabled & aged in this country by cutting funds that actually help them?

Do you really want to cut healthcare to millions of people who need it?

If you answered yes to these questions then go out and vote for Trump this November. If you answered no to these questions then join the human race & vote Democratic putting in Clinton!


But voting for hitlery will hurt just as many, just a different section.

How about nobody votes. How about we abolish Washington, DC, and make it just a suburb of Maryland. I don't know how we can make it worth something, but maybe tourism could have tours like any place with abandoned ancient monuments. 'This is the monument of the stupidity of people in the past! 5 bux for a guided tour!'

Do you really want to kill innocent people on the other side of world with nuclear weapons?

Hillary actually said she would nuke Iran if she was president... Trump is more reserved in these matters.

Trump has asked WHY can't we use nukes...we have spent decades trying to stop nuclear proliferation...after MAD...Detente...SALT...& START was Reagan & Gorbachev that finally hammered out a 'deal'...Now Trump wants to start a brand new global arms race? Our nation is the ONLY country on this planet that EVER used nuclear weapons! And if Truman knew how devastating they actually were...he probably would have had second thoughts about it...but we had already used conventionary 'fire bombings' & carpet bombing on Tokyo...Dresden & Hamburg...with devastating effects!...We NOW use cruise missiles & unmanned drones for surgical & pinpoint bombing of ISIS with great success!...No matter how you slice it older methods constitute using WMD...How are we setting any precedents here by killing women & children? Not to mention collateral damage of friendly Peshmerga & Iraqi Troops? I don't really want to defend Hillary Clinton myself...but Trump is literally volatile...& I for one don't think we should start WW3 here! I am an Anarchist myself....& I think the entire system of the State should shut down...and start from scratch...but I also am a member of the Revolution...I backed Saunders...and we DID get platform planks installed on the Democratic Platform...That's my position!...If I thought Johnson or Stein has a snowballs chance in h3ll of winning then I would consider it...but this is a globalist position I stand for...If Trump pushes 50% of what he said he would do...he will turn this nation into a 'global pariah'...I give Trump 1 year to ruin this country...but when things start falling apart, At least I can say I didn't vote for him!

Also to note...we have a two party system...we may have a 'choice' but we DON'T have a 'selection'...At least in the UK you have a 'selection' of Three Parties! & that DOES help! H3ll! I believed in Ross Perot & the Reform Party...but when HE dropped out...the chance of a Third Party fizzled with him! THIS country NEEDS a viable Third Party!