Breaking News - Video: Trump says his Administration will Remove 75% "or more" of Existing Federal Regulations

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Trump makes some bold claims that could have a major positive impact on financial markets and businesses, especially the FinTech arena and Cryptocurrency spaces.

Trump's claim that they will remove 75% or more regulations could mean crypto/blockchain tech could see massive financing from banks, enable new exchanges to open and operate, and make tax burdens much less complicated.

Trump also enacted an executive order that blocked ALL regulatory federal agencies from creating ANY new regulations that would detriment business or people, so it seems this plan may take root as early as Monday in the congress.


HURRAY omfg, wow first black president was not Obama its Trump. Love the bs CNN spin on his words live lol

Here come the micro factories and maker spaces!

Tech will be even cheaper than before & electricity too. Maybe USA will be bitcoin mining central as well.

We can be. But small businesses must not be ignored. What makes Bitcoin so wonderful is that it is all inclusive.

And thats exactly what deregulation does. It allows small businesses to exist and compete against the monopolies that are created from corporate socialism and regulations.

When it costs 5,000,000$, plus requirement of hiring compliance officer, plus registering with FinCen, plus AML/KYC policies, PLUS lawyers & accountants, PLUS taxes, to sell any amount of Bitcoins yourself, is absolutely atrocious and completely blocks ALL small businesses, medium sized businesses and large businesses from existing, much less competing, in the space.

Under that cesspool of regulation and socialism, only Monopolies thrive.

And if you live in NY, dont forget about the Bitlicense that has seen hundreds of applicants, with only 2 exchanges ever being approved, seemingly based on who has curried favor among the political establishment there the most -.-

Your right. True economic freedom is the only thing that works. And let us small businesses get a taste. I truly believe that this nation is better off when small business thrives.

I'm sure Trump will also cure cancer and engineer some revolutionary gadget from his garage. He will do all this while still serving at a soup kitchen 7 days a week.

Joking aside, when will humanity wake up and realize that our "government" is just a FOR-PROFIT corporation. But, sheeple love to depend on others to fix stuff.

Here is an introductory video of our "government":

So Trump banning all Arms of the federal government from imposing any new regulations that could impact negatively small businesses & entrepreneurs, is the government being "for-profit" and not looking out for the liberty of the people? I don't agree that Freedom from govt regulations is == govt control of your life.

The "government" is a false reality. I hope you realize that soon. I'm done.

Exactly why I'm glad that Trump has abolished parts of that false reality from impeding on our lives by putting us in jail for owning STEEM coin..

I hope he has his pen and phone, because he'll never get most of what he wants to do through Congress. Especially one that seems determined to thwart everything he wants to do!

This is where Bitcoin/blockchain comes into play. He just has to get the regulators out of the way.

Could be almost time for states to remember how to recall their reps. I'm confident a tweet from the President will remind them pretty quick.

Neither house has a very high approval rating, they are walking on thin ice. And they know it..

Stay tuned.

Amen Brother! Congress and the MSM seem to be competing to see who can have the lowest approval rating!