Is Blockchain Technology set to unlock the secrets of past News Events?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Blockchain Technology - Revisiting News Events

News Reporting - Revisiting evidence on the Blockchain

Recently I published a Blog where I talked about the application of Blockchain Technology being used to unlock the secrets of 9/11.

For the ones who missed it, here is the link..

Is BLOCKCHAIN about to unlock the secrets of 911.png

Thank you for the tremendous amount of support you gave to the Blog and the comments you shared.

Today I would like to extend this by asking another simple question.

Is Blockchain Technology set to the unlock the secrets of past News Events?

Investigative Conclusion

Gathering and storing criminal investigative material on a Blockchain is set to reshape humanity with their effects way beyond the imagination of what even the smartest of people on the planet can even begin to imagine.

The next logical step in any past historical event, no matter how horrific they were, is to revisit every piece of evidence logically rather than rely of prefabricated story of events and then come to real conclusions.

An investigation that is independent and stores all the evidence on the Blockchain is the only real solution.

An irrefutable Digital Distributed Leger that will: Gather, Distribute, Store, Verify, Validate and Evaluate every piece of evidence, no matter how tiny or insignificant one may think it is, has to be done.

Past events will never go away, no matter what the Mainstream Media believe. The search for the complete truth is not something that will just simply be forgotten.

Past events are very pertinent to us today, probably more so than ever before in Modern History and every scrap of evidence deserves a full and thorough investigation, irrespective of the outcome.

Humanity simply has to come to terms with reality

Most people who have lived through these past events have experienced some kind of trauma in some way of form.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to come to terms with what actually has happened and for many people the simple thought of processing these events again is simply unthinkable.

I am sure that there are many who would simply disbelieve if the real truth was not the official story that has been told by the Mainstream Narrative.

Simply because that they have believed it for so long.

These past horrific events have had a tremendous impact on the majority of the World Population and despite evidence to suggest that the official stories are incorrect some will simply chose to ignore the new evidence as they themselves would be unable to process such mis-information.

How individuals chose to come to terms with the truth that these official stories are not true will be down to the individual to decide.

There is no denying, when your beliefs and thoughts are challenged, your fear and anxiety take over. No one can deny this.

For some, it will be simply to difficult to even begin to challenge what they have been told if the truth of these events is not what has been explained in the past.

Most people have felt very secure about what had been told in the past and should the evidence show a totally irrefutable conclusion that the official stories are not true it would in some cases leave them with a feeling that their very own security had been taken away.

When our beliefs are challenged to the their limits like this, it is a characteristic of the human race that denial will kick in and take over. This is Human Nature.

On other words, if our beliefs choose to not accept the new truth, our minds may simply shut off as a defence mechanism to protect our feelings.

By not pursuing the events of these past events disrespects the victims, families and all that have been so effected and humanity owes these events to be re-investigated to a irrefutably scientific and logical conclusion.

If Blockchain can give this answer, then it so be it.

Questioning and challenging what we have been told is what we do best. It is this characteristic of ours that humanity is built around. Not just accept what we are told is the truth.

In order to really heal, The World needs the truth and without this truth the wound of The World will never ever heal.

Is Blockchain about to unlock the secrets of past News Events? Once more, I guess only time will tell.

Thank again for reading.



I think that blockchain technology really could help good investigators to tell the true story about 9/11

This is a very good idea Stephen as we know certain historical events seem to change as if by magic over time. If there is a complete record on the blockchain then it cannot be fiddled with or 'spun' to suit the needs of whoever it is that wants to change history.

"If there is a complete record on the blockchain then it cannot be fiddled with or 'spun' to suit the needs of whoever it is that wants to change history." Exactly. Stephen

Really enlightened post!

Thank you and thanks as always for the support. I appreciate it. Stephen

Shared on twitter. Stephen

There is no better place to have the evidence than the Blockchain. Evidence documented on a truth machine, that is sensible to me!

Thank you. Stephen

Don't understand everything about blockchain tehnology, so I got to ask...Is it really impossible to delete something from based on that tehnology?

In simple terms, think of a Blockchain as a Spreadsheet. A BIG Spreadsheet. When someone wants to record some information and enters it on the Spreadsheet, the information is then verified and shared on the network. The Spreadsheet is then copied and distributed. If you want to change the information, the original entry can NEVER be deleted. It can be changed, but NEVER deleted. You have to create a new entry and repeat the verification and distribution again. Hope this helps. Stephen


The only flaw I see in your plan is the fact that the US has made possession of some images a crime. So, if we post those images to the blockchain "in order to preserve them as evidence against the pedophiles," chances are that the blockchain itself might be destroyed as a result of law enforcement helping out "the elites" who tend to be the ones producing such filth.

On the BTC blockchain, this isn't as much of an issue. However, the STEEM blockchain has 20 witnesses, all of which could be discovered via court order and taken out.

Hmm, not all of them reside in the US's jurisdiction though.

Still, it's a risk I wanted to point out. They made it so that anybody investigating them for crimes against children, if the investigator had solid evidence, that the investigator would be jailed to stop the investigation.

It took me years to figure that out. It's the only instance where photographic evidence that a crime was committed is illegal to possess. And, it's not illegal for the reasons that they state -- it's illegal for purposes of defense on their part.

Of course it's also used for offense these days, now that computers have come on the stage, and are so easily hacked.

How many demolition experts did come out providing the evidence they brought twin towers down?
Wikileast is here for 7 years.

"In order to really heal, The World needs the truth and without this truth the wound of The World will never ever heal."

I totally agree, this is so true. Truth can and will heal the world, because so much is hidden from the majority right now.

Can Blockchain help with this, I believe so most definitely! Most speaking and sharing the truth are having posts and videos disappear from other channels and just preserving information on blockchain as it becomes available is so valuable. If all evidence is destroyed, then it is harder to find out the truth.