Independent from whom??

in #news7 years ago (edited)


So today Americans celebrate "Independence Day." But independent from whom? all presidents (yes, including both our current and last) are related to each other and specifically trace ancestry back to King John Lackland (among others) of ENGLAND. If ALL of presidents can be traced back to English royalty, how exactly does that really make you "independent" of their rulership?

I mean, let's just start with George Washington. He was related to King Edward I, William the Conqueror, King Robert I, King Henry VIII and MANY other extreme notables of England and Europe. Among them are many Kings and Queens. One of the biggest and most famous, the "Holy Grail" of genealogy, was Charlemagne, who is considered the "Father of Europe." Another is Alfred the Great.

And in our recent [S]elections, our two "choices" are still always cousins. For instance, in the last gameshow, we were given Clinton and Trump. Note what the Washington Times had to say concerning their relationship to each other...

"One of their children was Joan Beaufort, whose descendants include Mrs. Clinton. Her brother John Beaufort is an ancestor of Mr. Trump. Their descendants included several kings of England and centuries of Scottish kings." - The Washington Times

With all of this indisputable evidence of overt nepotism concerning our Americas's rulers, can we really say we it is free of the "motherland" and her various crowned royalty? Me thinks not.

Clearly, the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Grove and Bilderberg meetings are just family reunions of the Luciferian Elites. I can just see them all toasting each other and saying things like, "Ah, let them eat cake, blow off fireworks, wave flags... and LOL! even vote. The best slaves are those who don't know they are slaves. Cheers!"

So happy make believe day of "independence" America. And don't worry, they'll figure out another reason to sacrifice more of your sons and daughters in more un-Constitutional wars to "fight for freedom."


Rob Skiba
