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RE: Government Is Not Your Friend: CIA Hacking Tools Released

in #news8 years ago

You have to wonder whose interests the government serves. I'm sure they are trying to track terrorists, but it seems anyone could be considered one these days. We bring all this technology into our houses and it can be exploited against us. Crooks will be trying to hack it too for their own ends.

I really don't know where things are going. This is not the technical utopia I was promised.


I used to wonder, but now I think it's pretty clearly human farming:

Market systems enforce improved security to keep up with the crooks. Government agents are worse than crooks.

The statistics on "terrorism" are so insignificant as to be laughable and yet that's the dominating narrative. It's like something straight out of 1984.

great video choice and so true

Here is a post describing the situation of what T.H.E.Y. are doing. Published today on steemit

It seems you have put the cart before the horse.

can be exploited

They were exploited before they ever left the designers drawing board.
Microsloth has been known to have backdoors for the govern-cement in their software for over two decades now.
Orange has the largest, indexed by location and time, collection of finger prints ever amassed.

You may ask, with our "advanced" technology, why do we still have viruses?
It is because the safety is compromised from the beginning. The security is a big fancy lock on a screen door.

And the reason why is unknown to you because you believe other people think like you.
Narcissists and their more evil counterpart psychopaths do not think like you at all.
In their mind, they are threatened at every turn. They plot to control and manipulate everyone in their lives, they assume that everyone else is thinking the same. So, they go for more and more surveillance. And more and more control. And more and more manipulation. More and more brainwashing.

After the microsloth back doors were shown to large groups of programmers, microsloth should have just died. But, it appears we humans would rather have the latest gizmo, and don't really care about its security.

Name-calling doesn't help any cause ;)

I work with technology and know how complex it is. I tend to suspect incompetence before malice. We know from Snowden how the NSA exploits bugs and so do crooks.

Any bureaucracy has issues. I don't live in a total bubble, but I don't believe everyone is out to get me either.

Name-calling? I try not to make any of my writing about a person, unless its about A person, so I do not know what you interpreted as an attack. I am sorry for any implications.

I am not speaking about bugs, I am speaking about DESIGNED features.

That whole charade about the iPhone from the "terrorist". It was not about unlocking the phone, it was about: Oh look we accidentally, stumbled upon, an ability to unlock the unlockable iPhone, oopsy.

The NSA has black boxes that filter the backbone of the internet. And yes, the boxes are painted black.

That thing about microsloth? That wasn't a bug. That was designed in, system call, back doors. You don't carry a dozen eggs, trip and fall and create a soufflé.

I don't doubt there are backdoors and secret deals. I think some people in government agencies around the world are overreaching their brief, but they have to compete with every other country. It's hard to regulate and harder to monitor. I just don't buy all of the paranoia that gets spread on-line.

Watch your back ;)

Have you considered what Quantum Entanglement entails in hacking and exactly how one sided and secure it can be?
It literally cannot be subverted without full transparency in the manufacturing process, any little piece of hardware can be compromised to transmit instant (read faster than the speed of light) and clear communication in the form of 1 and 0's, and I want to reiterate that:
Any little piece of hardware.

Watch your back, I think it's >be prudent and consider who your enemy is and the extent of their capabilities.

let us set aside for the moment all possible grand conspiracies: Government serves the interests of those in government. Getting elected and holding office, getting appointed and holding office, getting hired and holding office, whatever the case may be - this is the primary concern of nay government employee. It is a massive distortion of the incentives in the market of getting and retaining a job, without the hassle of providing goods and services to a voluntary consumer.

Maybe I'm naive to believe that some people may actually want to do some good. A lot of those in government don't seem to enjoy it much. For some it's just a job.

A desire to do good is likely present, but the incentives and means available guarantee evil results regardless of intent. Public Choice economics theory explains this beautifully.

Where do the educators and the educators of educators fit in, they don't get elected, their salary is guaranteed regardless of numerous studies exemplifying the constant and seemingly unstoppable decline of literacy and math. Then consider the terms Planed Obscelence, Percived Obscelence and tie that into books to begin with. The education system DWARFS the military industrial complex. Read: Less Than Words Can Say.
Make note, that doesn't include higher education, and other graphs combine both healthcare and military into one budget and compare that to the education budget which still excludes higher education and their numerous grants through various globalist agencies, which in turn have the say in education, and those figures, military plus healthcare are just a little over the education aspect. Then try not to let that awful fact float the conspiracy moniker.

Pierre DuPont wrote in 1812 from Education in the United States

"...that out of every 1,000 persons fewer than four can’t read or do numbers."

Monopolies promote waste and abuse. Taxation is extortion. A tax-funded monopoly is inherently evil, regardless of the service it provides.

Corporations supported by government subsidies, bailouts, protectionist regulations, etc. distort the market by denying consumer choice and externalizing their costs. The added burdens on business through regulation, taxation, trade restrictions, etc. harm those at the margins - the small businesses and startups - that would otherwise be able to make headway in the market. This guarantees overpriced, shoddy goods and services too. Corporations are aspects of the State, not market phenomena.

The Interstate Commerce clause and the Treaty clause in the constitution make all so called limits and enumerated powers laughable. Most federal agencies owe their very existence to those two clauses, which have been stretched and abused to justify anything the federal government decides it wants to do. If a rapist breaks into your home and says “It’s okay because I’m a limited rapist, and here is your sacred paper to protect you. See all the things I’m not allowed to do to you while I rape you?”…if he gives you that list of limitations and you worship that list with gratitude instead of objecting to the entire intrusion including the list, something is deeply wrong. If he repeatedly disregards most of the limitations he swore to abide by while he violates you, and you continue to believe in the sanctity and power of the list…believing it can somehow keep you safe from future violations, after it has been clearly demonstrated to be irrelevant, something is even more wrong.
Reminded me of that passage ;D