What The General Public Doesn't Know About Porn.

in #news8 years ago (edited)

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For the past several months, I have been on a mission to immerse myself into the world of porn. Yes, this meant spending countless hours scouring the darkest internet caves in search of the dirtiest of dirty. I recognized it as the tough part in our research process, but a sacrifice I was definitely willing to make.

After intense study, I became accustomed to looking at the wildest of fetishes; things you could not imagine. I would even bet that there isn't a single picture or video that could shock me. I've seen it all and quite frankly, I am more shocked at the highly scrutinized press the industry receives. Yes, you can find obscene sick-to-your-stomach content, but truth is, most porn users are everyday, hard-working men who are looking for a convenient way to get it done.

Many reports have shown that porn continues to skyrocket in popularity. Even as it continues to be adopted by the general public, it is still haunted by a dark stigma of perversion. These beliefs are strengthened through mass media outlets that focus on the latest findings. It is more newsworthy to share "How the porn industry is creating unhealthy addicts in our children," than report on the commonality of its users habits.

False advertising has created a vicious cycle.

Journalists are given a task to report on trends in the industry and are demanded to "make it headline." They get to researching only to find the latest regurgitated opinions from skewed out-dated data. Or, worse yet, are bombarded with spam pop-ups of the latest, increasingly perverse, sex toy that just hit the market. They write their report, their readers share with their friends, then it becomes public knowledge. This has led to a common misconception that hardcore porn is a commonality and this is simply false.

Data supports the notion that most porn users do not obsess over the nastiest of content, but that they are rather healthy individuals wishing to simply be satisfied by a beautiful being. Pornhub, a popular adult entertainment site, recently released a usage data report of their customers. Surprisingly, the average time spent on the site was just under 10min. Not an excessive amount, but just enough time to get in, find an interesting show, finish the job, and get back to daily life.

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Additionally, contrast to public belief, users preferred the content of amateurs. This category received the majority of hits, surpassing more perverted categories such as "hardcore" or "teen."

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We are not arguing that the effects of porn are only positive. There is some truth to anti-porn claims. However, we live in a culture where the majority of people are uneducated on sex and demonize exploration. It is not until these biased studies are balanced with open and honest discussion, that we see a shift in our closed-minded public. Until then, porn will continue to be blacklisted into an infamous pit of destruction.

Please follow us @steemycam or our project at www.steemycam.com!

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Wow a very interesting post. This topic is indeed a difficult one, but one that needs a lot more exploration and discussion. Maybe the WORST part about porn is the wide spread shame and judgment about it. Without that I am sure that the problems and negativity would be greatly reduced.

You're exactly right! We hope to shed as much light on the topic as possible through this blog. On Steemycam.com, support can come in the form of us coaching our models to comfortably embracing their beauty and find the best ways to publically speak about their profession. Thanks for stopping by!

Indeed, keep up the good work. I will give you a follow so as to see what you accomplish!

Upvoted and followed!

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Hi- emailed you directly regarding this. Thank you!