Pizzagate people are gullible idiotssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news8 years ago

It's hard to even argue with people who are so ignorant and downright stupid to believe anything they read as long as it is printed on the internet and makes them feel like they are in the know about some big conspiracy. And of course, there are trolls who are more than happy to feed these idiots what they want to hear.

Washington Post: A harsh truth about fake news: Some people are super gullible


I'm going to presume you're a real person - and mean what you say. (In some other internet dialogues - that is not the case)

I 100% do not fault you for your incredulity.

From where I'm sitting - I'm not at all confident in the guilt or innocence of the people inculpated in Jon Podesta's emails

a reasonable person could conclude that there IS a preponderance of evidence warranting a formal inquiry .

a reasonable person could conclude that there is not. (and I wouldn't lose my composure upon that person)

if you trust that I'm not being adversarial about it (because I'm really not) - I'd be completely open to a public or private debate on the objective facts of this situation

discussing things is underrated

relishing in adversarial enmity is overrated

I appreciate your candor and objectivity - and wish the very best for you while you run this gauntlet of data

in the broader picture - I don't know - forgive me for assuming you're unfamiliar with these things if you are familiar with them:

hang in there man

If, in your opinion, a reasonable person could come to either conclusion, then reason would not seem to hold much value.

Your posts here are proof of that—addressing none of the evidence presented, just... name-calling. Brilliant!

No "evidence" has been presented.

Or—#PizzaGate is another COVER-UP of #sexual #abuse BY PEOPLE LIKE THESE! See: #DutrouxAffair #fakenews

Trump's subtle #PizzaGate joke signals he KNOWS Hillary steals kids from #Haiti. SEE:

You expect people to trust, a 4 month old domain? You're shoveling horseshit and calling it candy.

Judging by your emotional response, your feelings are hurt. Why are you getting so emotional if you are so certain you are right?

"We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure." Email to J.Podesta. Now go look at his pedo art. Now go look in the mirror. Say I am an IGNORANT FOOL.

Stupid idiot? Many of these emails are digitally signed which means they have been cryptographically hashed and the hash has been encrypted. This mean if one letter or even space changes in the email, the verification of the signature will fail. This provides non-repudiation which holds up in a court of law. It means you can't say you didn't write or send the email. I love all these people saying the sky is falling is it is not real when we have cryptographically verified emails telling us this information and absolutely zero proof to debunk these emails. You must work for media matters.

"This provides non-repudiation which holds up in a court of law. It means you can't say you didn't write or send the email. I love all these people saying the sky is falling is it is not real when we have cryptographically verified emails telling us this information and absolutely zero proof to debunk these emails. You must work for media matters."

Wow...amazing. I must say you make a damn good point. This as it really cant' be argued against (im waiting for someone to try though).

It doesn't need to be argued against. Even if all of the illegally accessed and leaked emails are accurate, there is still nothing there beyond what sick and deranged minds would try to read into them.


The emails could be 100% accurate and pizzagate would still be 100% bullshit. The mental gymnastics required to extrapolate a satanic pedophile ring from a pizza aficionado talking about pizza is mind-boggling.

This would be an excellent topic that nobody has really touched. The emails are verified through googles DKIM and people involved (Donna Brazil) will not actually say 'that E-Mail is doctored' only heavily imply that it could be. If you could find a way to even produce evidence that the E-Mails are doctored and that DKIM does not verify them then you will get all of the steem.

You read emails talking about pizza places and about people having kids over to swim in their pool and you see a child porn conspiracy. You must off your medication.

I guarantee I will never read an email from a normal person talking about pizza the way they do. It merits further investigation at the very least. I don't see how this could be disagreed on.

How many illegally accessed email accounts from "normal people" have you read to make that conclusion?

Are you paid for this shit? Or are you just another pedosadistic monster?

Really? Those are the only two options you see? I don't even know if stupid is the right word for you people. I think you might be closer to untreated paranoid schizophrenics.

I guess paid otherwise deep in the nonreligious faith that of authority could do no harm EVER d'Nile ... shill harder shitpost pedo lover ... you're block chain documented as being on the wrong side of history ...

I'm quite proud of what I have documented on the blockchain so far. I will always be on the side opposite the hysterical witch hunts stirred up by the wicked and the mentally unsound that carry their banner.

Nice J.R. "Bob" Dobbs icon. We know what you're all about.

I have no doubt you believe so since you pizzagate wackos are already prone to jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions about everything else.

Indeed that story always seemed suspicious. Although many claim Breitbart "knew" about it before he died and no one did anything about it.

Has it been "officially" classified as a hoax or is there a serious inquiry about it?

It depends on if you consider paranoid ravings to be serious inquiry.

that's my question exactly: is it officially debunked? I know most conspirationists never let go no matter what, but it seems that no one knows the bottom of the story

There is no bottom of the story because there is no top to the story either. It has been manufactured out of whole cloth by some 4chan trolls. 4chan uses CP as slang for child porn and they call it "cheese pizza" as a further abstraction. When they read some of the Podesta emails talking about pizza, they started the whole pizzagate meme. That is it.

As with any conspiracy, real or imagined, there are going to be people who believe just about anything they read/see/hear. It's unfortunate that many of those people have access to many other people who are also susceptible to believing things without vetting the information. However, the fact that there are some people getting hysterical in their quest to find a boogieman at every turn, there are at least as many logical and fact-focused people seriously investigating to find out what is actually going on. It's up to each of us to discern between the wild imaginings of gullible people versus the data collected and evaluated by those participating in investigative processes.

I don't know exactly what is going on with Pizzagate at this point, but there certainly are some interesting indications that there is something very wrong happening behind the scenes. It does warrant investigation, IMHO.

Would you mind sharing those indications? Everything I have seen so far has been completely unsubstantiated and from very questionable sources.

Your response and request for specifics was not entirely unexpected. I don't doubt that you will automatically write me off as another "gullible idiot" when I tell you now that I do not have all of the specifics in one handy place to copy and paste as a reply, and that I actually have to leave for work at this time. However, if you will allow me some time to gather the requested information, I will be happy to provide it. I expect it will take a few days to gather the info and sources.

So basically, you're being a pizzagate apologist and insinuating that there is something worth investigating, but you can present nothing? Yeah, I'm going to write you off as a gullible idiot.

Didn't see that one coming.

Yeah, like I can just whip up a list of evidence with sources as I'm walking out the door. You're a dimwit.

You're the one making claims about interesting indications of guilt. If you can't reply with even one of them, you shouldn't be upset when someone calls you an idiot, much less try to call them dimwitted.

In fact, the stupids that continue to believe the MASS MEDIA, property of these criminals


In fact, the stupids that continue to believe the MASS MEDIA, property of these criminals

Gosh, who would ever call you stupid with such impressive linguistic skills?

Here is a link to ONE of the rather strange Podesta emails.
relevant portion:
"The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want"

That is code for something.

I will search for others, give me a few minutes.

If you believe that quote is somehow code for pedophilia, then that says way more about the malfunctioning of your mind than it does about anyone you are making accusations towards.
"Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"

Again, to insist that is some sort of code for anything nefarious is just indicative of your own hysterical delusions.

Were the parents of the #Dutroux girls that were kidnapped in Belgium GULLIBLE to believe pedos didn't exist?

Sorry—are we pretending that Jimmy Saville didn't exist? So soon?


No one is saying pedophilia doesn't exist. What I am saying is that the pizzagate people are trolls taking advantage of easily influenced whack-a-doodle nutcases.

After months and months, with TONS of evidence emerging, this comment only serves to illustrate that people will pretend this isn't a "pedocracy" until the evidence is 100% undeniable. Whatever. What MOST people can't get is what pedophilia means to the power structures at the top of our society. This comment I found on Reddit was very illustrative.

Using terms like pedocracy is exactly why people like you are seen as nutcases.

Using terms like "people like you" is exactly why no one cares about your pretend world view anymore—that the President is powerful, that the press isn't fully colluded, that the CIA does nothing but lie, that "everything's fiiiiine," that the surveillance/police state isn't out of control, AND, that their control at the top is cemented by blackmail and pedophilic psychopaths. Guess what? YOU are in the cultural minority, now, not us. We're waking up to how power works, who's in charge, and the Deep State that's running the show (central bankers—who picked Obama's ENTIRE cabinet) . Squawk all you want—the "conspiracy theorist" label used to stick to people making huge leaps with no evidence, but the evidence emerging only now exposes YOUR cognitive dissonance. Go ahead, rearrange the deck chairs on your Titanic for all we care.



The link to a Reddit post on /r/The_Donald is your proof?


low grade bait but i'll bite.

1 of them looking like a depiction of a person of interest is dismissable but not two.

What is the actual original source of the police suspect sketches?

Hard to tell the way CNN reports things but I would say Portuguese police

No, the source is Scotland Yard. They made mockup computer sketches based on witnesses questioned years after the fact. If Podesta and his brother were in the vicinity, don't you think Scotland Yard would have already checked them out?

Well that sounds like speculation, which I do a great deal of with all of the stuff this pizzagate topic has generated but that is also why I can't just dismiss it and its followers as gullible idiots. I provided a single item that isn't hyped up innuendo, I hope others who reply to you will provide the other items.

You provided a photo of a mockup that you saw on a pizzagate conspiracy site and accepted as being two different people. When I pressed you for an actual source, you looked and saw that that the two photos are possibilities for the same suspect. Neither have you provided any evidence that either of the Podesta brothers were in Praia da Luz at the time.

You are being fed insinuations by fake news sites that only care about controversy, conspiracy, and page views.

Glad I did to, the fact that two witnesses gave two depictions looking very similar to both podesta brothers is mind boggling. Case has recently been reopened too. Look your objective is to say whatever to dismiss this and troll everybody here. The only thing that will convince some people that comet and podestas are involved is actual video and photographs with DNA and a written confession, and that is fine but dismissing people as gullible when so many coincidences and circumstantial evidence exists is not making you look like the intellectual you seem to wish to portray. Do your own evidence, take the time to obtain the most remarkable findings in the emails and elsewhere and dispute it yourself. Asking people to take the time to get all of this evidence for you to simply dismiss is just lazy.

The efits were released years after the disappearance not that the witnesses were interviewed years after.

Sketch artists existed 6 years ago. If they didn't have enough information to create a viable sketch then, then it is easy to see why the two sketches of the same suspect have so much variation now.

No it's not.
Look start another thread with a point by point list of what people are really focused on
Find the relationship with the Podestas and convicted pedophiles, find photos of either podesta with convincted pedophiles. Look up the whole Nose, Japan thing that is being investigated and then dispute those points in your own thread otherwise you will find that people are not going to be willing to exhaust all of their time debating this with you and you will not appear 'correct' rather just ignored.

Wait a minute, I have some looking at to do. There is an insane coincidence afoot here.

What is remarkable is these two sketches are suspected to be of the same person of interest, given by two witnesses. Can't believe I didn't catch this before.

The suspect is also identified as being in his 30's Podesta would have been 55 nine years ago.

witness didn't get to see the suspects IDs, people can have difficulty telling a 30 something from a 40 something and neither podesta looks like they are in their 60s today. At least you're thinking now.