USA is not a country of democracy and peace...

in #news5 years ago


Love me or hate me for saying it, I don't give a damn. I will speak truth to power like it is. Same with my opinion, which I believe I should be more open-minded with now, so I will hold nothing back and state my grievances for what it is. Due to the recent political agenda unfolding before us, I believe it is safe to assume the United States of America, is in fact, NOT a country of peace, and rather identified as a rogue empire-state. You may also consider it an empire in decline if you so wish, but I'll call it out like it is.


Why is the US a country of war, and one of the three main supporters of the world's terrorism? It's quite obvious despite the Demtards crying racist, sexist, misogynist and xenophobe comments about Donald Trump as they are looking for every dirt they can to impeach him over the eff'ing RUSSIA collusion! Nancy Pelosi seems to be the spearhead runner of the "Impeach Trump" campaign. Look, I'm going to be straightforward with you. Be you ANTIFA radical, be you Proud Boys supporter, I'm going to say it to BOTH of you like it is. I absolutely WANT Donald Trump out of office, but it is NOT for the reasons of a snowflake. It is for the reason being that Trump has committed WAR CRIMES overseas, breaking International Law on a daily basis, as it just seems to be a primary characteristic of every Neo-Conservative bloodthirsty war-hawking terrorist scum, yeah! I'd gladly rip on John Bolton and Mike Pompeo verbally, call them both a bunch of degenerate eff'ing a-holes who absolutely deserve to be locked up in solitary confinement, leave them without food and water for days and isolate them from the rest of humanity. And Trump firing Bolton isn't saying a whole lot, and it changes little. Because Trump is a proven zionist terrorist scum and he NEEDS to be removed from office the sooner the better so the world can breathe a little bit.

But it doesn't just end with Trump. Almost every administration after the JFK assassination, before or after, I don't care much about America's presidential history, almost NONE of them are actual GOOD presidents. And I guarantee you, the next administration that takes place, will continue this zionist agenda by slowly tippy-toeing around the American public, and the fact their wars in the east, they're very hush-hush about it. Even the mainstream media won't report on this day one when it actually happens. That's how the US establishment keeps it's cattle enslaved, that's how most Americans are dumbed down and don't even have an eff'ing clue of what's going on in the world, all I can see from this scope of reality is a bunch of overproud patriotic zio-lover flag-waving statist scumbags screaming the love of their criminal government at the top of their lungs: "USA! USA! USA!", yeah. You get the idea. Because the Epstein scandal has not been left in the dark as the already awakening American public knows about it, and refuses to let this story die, it would seem the next child predator in their crosshairs is the UK's Prince Andrew. But of course all the people connected with Epstein are trying now to covertly disconnect themselves from the truth and deny any involvement with Epstein to the public. I hope Prince Andrew gets jailed, I hope Ghislaine Maxwell gets jailed, I hope all these pedophiles and child-prostitution trafficking rings get shut the eff down and get eff'ing locked up like the criminal scum that they are. I want to see the pedo-class taken down a peg, I really do. But my main focus is the Iran escalation at the moment.


Yeah, that's right. The Saudi oil fields were attacked by drones of an unknown country, which I highly doubt if that's even a mystery at all. The US administration was quick to blame it all on Iran for the siege of the oil refinery, and Tehran's Rouhani denied these claims and called it disinformation campaign by the Saudis. Despite the Houthi rebels taking credit for these attacks in retaliation to the Saudi oppression of Yemen, yet it seems most of us westerners are pointing the fingers at the United States being deemed responsible for the false flag attack, which doesn't really surprise me. Because I have already catched wind of Saudi Arabia and Israel's involvement in 9/11. And the fact remains now that with Julian Assange behind bars in Belmarsh, and Chelsea Manning locked away in the American gulag, following up with Trump trying to gun for his Afghanistan/Iraq war 2.0, or if you wanna call it that, the War on Terror, Act II cover. Whatever Trump is planning, there's an absolute guarantee that China and Russia are not gonna sit this one out. Recently, the Russians have been conducting military drills and exercises prior to the Centre 2019 event, and of course all of this being set up, is the fuse for WW3. All that's missing is the spark, and it seems USA most likely has it.

So I have to ask, instead of addressing the nihilistic and apathetic cowards of the United States, I have to ask the more seemingly intelligent American people, where's the outrage? Where are the anti-war voices, and why aren't you and your fellow neighbors stepping in on this? You know full well the system serves itself, so why should you continue to beholden to it? I don't care if they have tanks and bombs, but something must be done. If you have to, resort to guerrilla warfare tactics. But this cannot stand! I was not put on this planet to see the end of humanity early, and I'm not done living yet. I'm already pushing to my 30's and I still have 10-20 years or over to experience, and my 6 year old niece isn't ready for this either. It's too soon, too early for me, my family and friends, and to think we would all die of old age, but not like this. Of course, nobody said it was fair. But we all yearn for peace, right? Despite the royal ruling classes holding a political disdain towards all of us freethinkers as I too, have a political disdain of 'them'. And I'm sure I'm not alone on this matter.


This may be the last chance or the lasting days for the American people to stand up now and speak out against their government. Especially those involved with the Area 51 raid, which really isn't kicking off at all, I can at least say the aliens you would find in the base otherwise, are not visitors at all, but rather prisoners. I don't know the whole story in Area 51, as it's obviously all very 'hush-hush' in the public eye and ear. All we can do is make speculations, nothing solid until we have actual and physical proof. You want to see those aliens? Stop paying your taxes to the US government, ALL of you. And then the guards will not receive their next salary, all government defenses will go bankrupt, and by then the people power will be returned to all of you. This is why I have to warn each and every one of you, to stand up now, and stop your government. Yes, that means you must all take it in your own hands to stop Trump and his terrorist cabinet. Otherwise if nothing is done to stop the threatening war with Iran, it won't be long until the violence of war comes to your very doorstep. You think all of this is insane? Yeah, you're correct. The people running the western governments and the NATO axis are insane to the core, and they need to be stripped of their power and sealed away in solitary confinement for the rest of their eff'ing lives. Forget pride and ego! That won't save you. Do not wait for a superhero to save the day for you. Get creative, and organize a revolution together. Even the most powerful weapons of war are stopped by reaching the men behind the trigger. And I can say for the record that Russia's current leadership is not interested in war, and as of right now their language remains diplomatic. But you do NOT want to piss off the Russians any further than what damage has already been caused. It is up to you, the civilian populace to uphold International Law by any means necessary...