Tulsi Gabbard - Kremlin stooge? Or a saint?

in #news6 years ago


Not much is known about Tulsi Gabbard, but the recent talks about returning the United States to the INF treaty(the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty), there is skepticism, but what she says may deem to be positive notes to hope on. Don't get your expectations too high with her, as the whole lot of you already know that politicians tend to say one thing and another. You should all know why politicians cannot be trusted. However, if anyone is accused and verbally attacked by the mainstream media and Washington's political circus, called out as a Russian spy, Russian bot, etc., usually that's the extreme Communist/Socialist/Liberal/Democratic far-left slandering anyone for wanting peace with the Russians, the same kind of people who are calling for global suicide. And why? Because Trump is the president whom the majority of Americans voted in to make peace with Russia, and the crazy libtards, like the unthinking zombies that they are as one may put it, think that Russia is evil, and is a danger to the planet? I'm sorry but I believe the exact opposite contrary to this popular belief, as knowing Americans have done alot more harm than good in history, and yet they try to paint themselves in a good light about it. If Hillary Clinton was elected president instead of Trump, she would've had her declaration of a Syria no-fly-zone policy, and that would've been a one way ticket to instant war. Possibly nuclear. Then again, Hillary will never be voted in ever again because of the emails Wikileaks have leaked and published. But tell me. Where is Julian Assange now when we need him?


I don't know about you, but I rather two sides to balance it out rather than to let one side of the coin take over the entire other, because I know if the United States is the only existing empire on this Earth by then, corrupton, hypocrisy and treason of public trust will most certainly ensue. Not to mention the global slave force humanity will become if they were to look up to America as it's masters. Sorry to say, but Russia is the voice of reason here, and still is. You all should be thankful for president Putin's patience, yet from what I hear, it's his last term. I do not know Russia's future, nor is it my business, but hey. For as long as they're not invaders like the United States, just looking out for it's own interests and keeping US bullies out of other countries' backyards, there can be some satisfaction of common sense right there.

But let's be clear here. The main objective of humanity's survival is to put restraint on nuclear powers, specifically the United States. They are the aggressor, and the European slave-states of NATO is not helping the situation. But again, I suppose that's always the game the United States have been playing, conquer and divide for money and oil, as history has always seen it. Whatever country that has oil or resources greedy USA needs, and if it cannot be given by dollars, first they demonize the country's government, making them look to be a murdering dictator like Gaddafi, Assad, and even as of today, Venezuela's Maduro. It's no surprise to me Saddam Hussein was also accused of having nuclear weapons in his country, and 9/11 cover-ups are starting to loosen up and unfold, as more and more people are in on it. No I do not have any of the Dark Overlord documents, and if I did, I wouldn't publish them. Not directly that is. But I'm sure others have taken the risk so I need not to. Second comes the civil unrest and economy clash. 5 days without electricity and power, and if in some special cases, if food and water, specifically food were to become scarce, the entire population of that target country will rip itself apart through rebellions and civil war. The predators of the US military just wait until the country is sufficiently weak enough to succumb into an invasion, thus a coup de'tat. Of course how it's unfolding in Venezuela, Maduro's military is preparing to defend it's borders, while on the other hand the US government is promising 'humanitarian aid' to the Venezuelans. Oh yeah? You want to talk about 'humanitarian aid' Americans? Where was the 'humanitarian aid' during the Flint water crisis? Yeah, some few good lot of us have not forgotten that.


I refuse to recognize Juan Guaido as intern president of Venezuela, and it's not because I'm a Maduro supporter. It's because the United States has no right to go sticking it's nose in where it doesn't belong, and any US-backed candidate who bypass the electoral will of the nation's people, is in breach of international law basically. I do not trust Tulsi Gabbard, even if the things she says may seem promising, but I will say this. Actions speak louder than words, as they always have. Tulsi proposed a bill that would prevent Trump or the next president to leave the INF treaty, and not simply done so without congressional approval. But what 'if' she becomes president? Will she do what was promised? Or will she collapse under her emotions, thus letting the Deep State grab the reigns of Washington's political control once again? It is way too soon for a nuclear war, which will potentially be the end of humanity, maybe when I'm 70 or so, it won't matter to me. But I'll be damned if let my children, even my niece to grow up in a nuclear-radiated environment. And if the world should succumb to a nuclear war, who is to blame? Russia? Nope! The United States of Hypocrisy. Because that is the reason why I ditched my US support of pride along time ago and now I feel as if ironically, Putin's Russia is the last human bastion of common sense and class value. I am aware that Israel is a problem for both sides, but even if the country itself were to be crushed into the abyss by both American and Russian superpowers, their agents have well infiltrated the ranks of Washington's government, and a very good bet assures that they still walk among Americans. To remove the plague of Zionist Israel will take alot of work for Americans to recover from and overthrow. But again, nothing is easy when it comes to the fight of survival.


So here's hoping that if Tulsi gets elected, or if Trump will get his head out of his ass at some point and start putting up a real fight against the state, that any returns to the INF treaty or something similar through a new treaty, will be a step in the right direction. Because the world cannot survive USA's warmongering any longer, and quite frankly I am growing sick and tired of America and their NATO pundits thinking it can have their way without direct opposition, and the chaos that follows in their footsteps. One thing I know for sure, Russia and China aren't going away quietly. You want Russia to stop building weapons? You want peace between Russia and the West? How about you disband NATO, pull away all the US troops illegally occupying certain sectors of the world, tear down 5G, have the US return to the INF treaty and stop supplying criminal cartels with arms such as Ukraine's government and Saudi Arabia. But for as long as greed and technocracy runs in the minds of Washington's government and elsewhere NATO-aligned European countries, there will be no world peace. How long will USA play the role of a 'paper tiger'? If an attack is to be delivered firsthand, more likely America will be responsible...

It is maddening if not sickening that America's far-left socialists firmly believe that the destruction of Russia and China will grant world peace. I'll tell you what it is, a 'peaceful slavery' in favor of the infamously well known establishment known as the One World Government, and even then human beings would find no peace, because they will be commanded on a daily basis, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses, they will be treated like animals from the filthy parasites that rule them, and obviously the Liberals/Democrats are too blind to see that. Maybe they do enjoy being slaves as it is their right of hypocrisy and manipulation. Or maybe they just don't know how to win -at all-. But if anything, anyone who is mad and stupid enough to want war with Russia in this day of modern age, should be put in prison and mental institutions. Nothing more...


This spam is courtesy of @fulltimegeek! A real piece of shit who flags manual curation projects like @themadcurator because he's a spiteful cunt!!!

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