The battle for truth is not over...

in #news5 years ago


Thanks to Luke Rudkowski and Jason Bermas for breaking this firsthand, and I'm sure the very few good us have been watching this very closely. Now here's my take on Jeffrey Epstein. At first, I didn't know him that well. Didn't know anything about his secret pedo-traffic ring and his Lolita express private airliner until much more later. How I came to first know Epstein's name and face, is thanks to a friend of mine from Sweden, who broke first wind about Kayne West first-hand leaking the Pizzagate scandal, and how the Clintons were heavily involved with as such. My friend told me that these pure-blooded children were about to be sacrificed to these Luciferian-Satanic cult of pedophiles and sick-minded individuals, call them whatever you want, I just call them out as the globalist elite pedo-puppets, the very same pedo-ring that absolutely deserved to be called out for it's BS, whom are very closely affiliated with the Deep State, otherwise known as the shadow government. Yup, that one-world-government and it's connections with billionaires like Epstein, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, etc., etc., THESE kind of people, who don't give a damn about you or what you want or need in our bloody struggle for survival.

I believe personally, that if justice does not hold these criminals accountable soon, karma should play it's game. We can't stand idle and let these criminals walk free while people like myself struggle to make a buck or two in order to survive in the real world and stay connected to the internet to share my experiences. And of course these a-holes will do everything in their advantage to try and cover up the truth about the world we live in, the world ruled by criminals, just by majority. It would've been quite obvious for 'Jeffy' to reportedly 'hang himself' in a suicide attempt. Because Epstein is dead, that is no excuse to let this story die. That prison guard who was supposed to have Epstein on watch, that or a select few of prison guards whom media sources CLAIM to have slept two hours or three out of duty, and yet prison inmates, according to 'them', heard shrieking in his cell. The guards arrived later to check on his body, and said there was no response from Epstein's body.


Now I believe this whole media narrative is BS. Even Attorney General Bill Bar is lying from his teeth over the Epstein case. Lies and fabrications as the average thinking man can actually expect. I will not believe anything until Epstein's body is confirmed. For all I know, they could've arranged a secret exit for Epstein to escape and use a duplicate body to fake his death. 'Ooooh! But that's what CONSPIRACY THEORISTS think!', and pretty much in America, conspiracy theorists, protesters, gamers, etc., etc., anyone who knows there government is corrupt as f__k, can be branded by the FBI and other alphabet-soup government agencies as terrorists. Quite hypocritical as usual, for a terrorist government and it's terrorist agency thugs to try and call us out on the specter of 'terrorism'. We all know the US government is secretly connected to ISIS, so ultimately, that makes the US government the terrorists. The words 'terrorism' and 'crime' do not belong to the United States nor it's systems of jurisdiction. We the people of Earth, will judge you by your actions.

Turns out there is another person connected to Epstein, by the name of Ghislaine Maxwell. Her father, Robert Maxwell, had known ties to Israel's Mossad, so I do not believe it's of the question to arrest Ghislaine Maxwell, which she very much deserves to go to jail for her zionist ties. Not much is known about this witch, but I heard she might have also been involved in the pimp business involving pedophilia and what not. We can't allow these pedophile elitists to continue doing what they want, and we can't allow these pathetic social media pundits such as Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg and the executives of Google to manipulate the narrative and take advantage of us. Sure, Google's influence on political functions is beyond acceptable and intolerable to the few good lot of us who have tried to WARN people on YouTube of what it's becoming. You should've listened to me back then, and I'm sure others have told you this, that Google is NOT your best friend, it is not your personal ally. Stop using Google's services and look for alternatives. How many people do this today? Not too many as far as my scope can see. And the people who blindly love Google or it's services are far more despicable and not 'anything' I would EVER compare to as human beings, but rather instead, as bots, NPC's, unintelligent slaves, whatever you want to call them. Just because these tech companies may influence alot of resources and governments, does NOT mean they're invincible. So don't give them too much credit. Remember their corporate executives are of human flesh, and they are not untouchable from the consequences of karma and it's reality.


And now, as Assange and Chelsea Manning remain behind bars, and I'm not surprised they didn't extradite Edward Snowden from Russia yet. Oh ya, speaking of Russia and other world-related news, the war game is still drumming for Iran, and almost little to no action is seen in the United States to even stop these neo-cons or drag them by their f__king hair out of Congress, the Pentagon, the White House, etc., etc., we at the danger zone of a possible nuclear conflict and you people in America sit idle and do nothing? If you do not take it upon your own hands to uphold your constitution and penalize Trump for his criminal and terrorist actions, then you are pathetic slaves, and your lives do not matter to me or anyone else. Either you're cowards for not braving against the strongarms of the US military terrorists and the criminal cops that aid them, or you just simply don't want to fight Trump, while the good half of you are cowardly Republicans who bark and don't bite, or if you're brain-dead ANTIFA/SJW/Black Lives Matter activists who like to call out Trump as a racist, a sexist, and xenophobe, yet you have no evidence or proof to back these claims. Don't try to fabricate it either, do you and I both a favor, and STFU about the racist claims, or rather instead do some ACTUAL research before you say ANYTHING.

Do most of you Liberals do this? No. You just cry racist, you whine and complain about womens' rights being abused, yet you put even your own CHILDREN on the frontlines of ANY battlefield be it protest or not, just to save your own cowardly skin. Be you left or right, NONE of you are innocent for letting this coward and traitor you call a PRESIDENT, who openly COLLUDES with Israel, have his way to destabilize world peace. You say this is the Deep State's doing? BS! I don't believe that for a SECOND, because if there really is a Deep State, Trump is very well part of it! Oh, but you the American people want peace and common sense like everybody else! You want to redeem yourselves as decent human beings? Change your behavior, grow a brain and a pair of balls, and show me and others that humanity matters. And both sides need to acknowledge Israel as the existing threat to humankind.


You want to take down Trump? How about you NOT focus on irrelevant subjects such as racism, misogyny, and xenophobia. But instead, focus on what he's doing outside of America. He is committing war crimes against people who had NOTHING to do with the leaderships under Assad, Maduro, etc., and you of all people should recognize that it's NONE OF AMERICA'S GODDAMN BUSINESS TO BE IN OTHER COUNTRIES IN THE FIRST PLACE. Withdraw your troops from Europe and elsewhere, and return them home. Because already, USA is responsible for the withdrawal of the INF treaty, I like to credit Trump for that personally. And now because of him, be it his cowardice or whatever, Europe has become a battlefield. Nothing but an arms race in plain sight. And of course, the UK government is responsible for the oil-tanker piracy, and now both the US and Israel are in game with it. How far will you allow these US and Israeli terrorists to further advance their wars upon our freedoms and our very right of living? How far, will you, the American people remain apathetic and idle when these crimes are in full play? When are you going to shut down CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, NY Times, etc., for their criminal meddling and lies? If nothing is done to avert this neo-con wargame soon, humanity will not make it to the 21st century.

Sure with it's social score credit system, and 5G-mirror tech which are also BS and are visible problems, China may be a problem, but China is not "the" problem. Iran has no intention of acquiring nuclear weapons nor to go to war with ANYONE. And Russia has done everything in it's power to maintain the global peace through constructive dialect by easing the tensions down, but you know why the tensions keep escalating? Because the US government, along with Israel, Saudi Arabia, and it's globalist elite puppet controllers, are the people pushing for war. Whether or not you are Trump supporters, you have to understand the most essential fact which many of you don't, because I know ALOT of you are ignorant, arrogant, and no matter how much hard facts and common sense are shown to you, or slammed in your face, you will of course circle around and try to deflect your BS some more. You're in denial if you think Trump is held hostage by the Deep State. Look at how well connected he is with Israel! He doesn't hide it either!

If you honestly think the body of Jesus is in Israel, and/or whatever lunacy you Republican Americans seem to believe, and for those of you so-proclaimed jew-lovers which are actually zio-puppets, whom believe that Trump is the 'King of Israel', second coming of God, then I hate to break the obvious to you, but you're out of your f__king mind. If you still have a brain left, I strongly urge you to reconsider why you are supporting Trump, in fact DON'T SUPPORT ANYONE. Don't support even Creepy Joe, killer Hillary, Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, or even Tulsi Gabbard, because the time has come for the American people to wake the f__k up, and I don't see alot of that happening. Politicians exist, celebrity or not, business billionaire or otherwise, no matter their ego and popularity, politicians exist for one purpose and one purpose only. To LIE to you, and empower themselves. How do they do this? BY YOUR VOTES.

When you vote for whatever liar promises you good, you are sacrificing your power as the American people to betray the values of your own country, to betray your own constitution by leaving it's fate into the hands of these egotistical megalomaniacs and opportunistic con-men to decide America's future FOR you, and I am quite disgusted over the sight of hypocrisy I see in the Western regions of Earth. Actions have consequences, Americans! And you're no exception to it. Do you want to go down like Rome? Or do you want to wisen up, uphold your constitution and do something about it? Because a global revolution may be honestly what's needed in order to stop these constant advances on our freedoms. I'll give the Yellow Vests in France credit what's due. They're motivated, and dedicated to their own cause, so why don't you Americans and it's allies' populace combined do the same? You do realize that the very same shadow cabal of conspirators rig elections and organize their puppets to weigh in on THEIR favor and not yours. You shouldn't beholden to a system that fails you. For I believe now is the time for the people of the West, to rise up and take back their countries from these criminal dictators who lie to you in the favor of zionism.


The price comes heavy when the American people forget their history lessons, and so they are doomed to repeat it. Hate me or not, I will speak truth to power like it is for as long as I'm on here and places alike, and just because I'm not exactly 'journalist' material, that does not mean I see any reason to stop speaking my mind because I am not in the position to safely stop, nor allow all my efforts to empower my own independence be in vain. And no, you do not have to be a Russian spy or a bot to know the simple and obvious truth. Of course the US and NATO are going to use Russia and China as a scapegoat to try and justify their malice. And if there was another equal superpower to obstruct America's reach, they would be slandered and demonized the very same in USA's state-sponsored propaganda. Empires rise and fall, and America is no different. But whether or not the era of the US empire dies or not, freedom and democracy will not die with it. As the ideas of freedom and independent will can be found elsewhere. Don't play politics like a team sport. Go under your own banner, do your own research and judge right and wrong for yourself...


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