President Donald Trump - What we know so far...

in #news6 years ago

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First off, I cite my sources: WeAreChange, Styxhexenhammer666(YouTube), etc., and secondly this is my first Steemit post, didn't really bother with the introduction post when I first signed up. I dunno really, just a guy who likes to play caution over haste I suppose. And thirdly, this is just my opinion and speculation of the events transpiring around the world, especially when it comes to US foreign policy deemed 'aggressive and illegal'.

Thing is, the US has continued to break the laws of humanity for a long time now, and some may say the Deep State is responsible. Ah yes, the elite shadow cabal pulling the strings in the White House, the Pentagon, Congress, etc., but what takes the cake on all of this is US President Donald Trump. There has been alot of talk against him, and I have as well. But who is Trump really? A 4D chess player? A puppet? My personal take on this, that he is a puppet. However, he has considerably low approval ratings as president, thanks to the far-left wing of politics. Don't get me wrong, Obama was a terrible president, and royally messed everything up for the American economy. Same could be said for the Clintons. And Bush? Well, how else would have 9/11 been staged? Back to the subject on Trump.

Now I do not hate Trump just because of the Fake News crap, saying he's a Russian agent, a racist, xenophobe, misogynist, etc., these are NOT my reasons. My reasons for hating Trump is because he betrayed his own words in regards of Syria. He said he'll stop the conflict in Syria, and I guess I should've seen this coming when Flynn left office. Then came in a barrage of tomahawk missile strikes, most hitting the Syrian government-controlled airfield in Homs. While most of the American 'sheeple' have been cheering on Trump's first attack, this also angered the Russians. I'm not a Russian agent nor citizen myself, but pressure on Russia is basically pleading for global suicide. Nobody is a winner in this, especially when nuclear weapons are used. This everyone knows, and while I'm with the few many people who hope that the truth and common sense will prevail. Yet I don't see alot of common sense coming in from the West. Trump was doing good in the beginning, he killed the TPP or so it may seem, but then flip-flopped and started making the WRONG decisions. THAT is why I hate him.

A president who continues the war games on the rest of the world, is NOT a president worthy of me supporting. No, I do not trust either the Democrats nor the Republicans, and I don't trust America AT ALL. Professionally however, ignoring my hatred for the loose-handed businessman, there has also been alot of talk and speculation from his supporter base saying that he was threatened, he was cornered by the Deep State, etc. Because honestly, where the world events are going right now, there is very little trust I can find in Trump right now. However, there will considerably be peace talks between him and North Korea's Kim Jong Un, which is an unlikely surprise, but I'd be amazed if it actually happened.

One mistake that Kim would be making though, is how will he be able to defend his country from the US aggressors if he was to give up his nuclear weapons programme? Yes, I am with the people who are against the use of nuclear weapons ANYWHERE in the world, but there are few that rather watch and see the world burn rather than it falling into the hands of America. I rather for neither. America has proven itself as a rogue state, and it's leaders in Washington are insanely out of control. All bloodthirsty for their ****ing greed and oil, that if any country is NOT a trade partner with the Western Axis powers that be, they're just gonna get bombed the **** out of. And this isn't the first time the Americans have done this.

But even if the peace talks with North Korea may significantly APPROVE Trump's ratings up a few points or so, we must not forget what happened to Libya, Iraq, and the other countries who fell victim to US imperialism. They have too much influence on Earth, and I will NEVER trust them as world police, for there always must be someone to prevent the complete hostile US takeover on the world. Countries are entitled to their own sovereignty after all, as they have the right to defend their own borders. But what will happen if Trump's ratings go back up and win a second term? Will it be better? Will he make the same mistakes again? I don't know honestly. I'm somewhat skeptical about all of this right now, but who knows? I have been proven wrong before, along with others.

I honestly don't know who to blame the most for all of this right now. Whether it'd be Trump, or the God-forbid-neo-liberals. Then again, the neo-cons are also just as bad, war-hawks like John Bolton, Jim 'Bad Dog' Mattis, etc., are living proof that I'm not seeing the swamp being drained at anytime soon. As for Mattis saying there is no evidence, but he THINKS there was a chemical attack in Syria. Yet not surprisingly, he still isn't subject to court martial after the Fallujuah massacre, as in yet or if ever. Nobody in this world, has the RIGHT to attack a country WITHOUT solid proof and evidence. Though seems likely that impeachment will be in line if Trump outs Robert Mueller, Obama's FBI director in the past who is also looking for Trump's collusion with Russia. No solid evidence has ever been found that Trump is ever connected with Russia what-so-ever. And yet the Fake News mainstream propaganda just keeps going on, and ON, AND ON... Like seriously! Something is seriously, mentally ill with these people. While I am the few of these rational thinkers speaking up for my inner community circle, and hoping to make a difference. Though chances of that are fairly slim as they are right now, which is why I decided to speak my mind on it.

Yes, we are familiar with George Soros as well as Theresa 'Can't see Russia from my house' May, and ex-Rothschild banker and French President Emmanuel Macron, who that idiot Obama promoted into office in the first place. As for Obama, HE SHOULD BE IN JAIL, not walking free. And yet they ALL seem to be on Trump's back. As much as I love to say 'put 'em all on trial, and let the people sort 'em out', I said that because I do not believe in religion or it's principles, don't get me wrong, I do not deny that God exists, or many Gods can exist out there, that only common sense is what avails to me. As much as I love to see these world criminals brought to justice, but sadly that won't happen. More reason we can't trust the system to fight our battles, because eventually it may fall into the hands of the common man to rise up and do something about it. Anything that can help end this madness is what I stand and aid for. In any way that I can.

So is Trump a bad guy? Or is he playing 4D chess? Because right now, he's doing a terrible job at it. And if supporting him means it paves the bridge to world peace and a better future, it better be. Yes, I would tell these 'Libtards', left-wing nutjobs or whatever the hell you wanna call them, to shut the **** up about the Russia news narrative, and I'm not so certain if I can trust Bernie Sanders to do the right thing anymore. The Sanders supporters and the so-called 'progressives' are missing the bigger picture, that Russia is not the enemy, Assad is not the enemy and neither are the American people. The only enemy is the State itself, and it's nest of operations is Washington D.C. I'd say purge the city itself of it's roots of corruption, get rid of the Deep State entirely, be it the zionist AIPAC, ADL, the Conservative war-hawks, etc., get 'em out of there.

Hold 'em all for trial and let new blood take over, but sadly I don't see any of that happening anytime soon. And just because I say I hate zionists, does not mean I'm anti-semetic. But of course, it's something that 'Israel' on the other hand, would say. Let's face it, most of us have bigger brains than Netanyahu to obviously tell what is anti-semetic, and what is not. And seeing that Trump is closely connected with Netanyahu and the Saudi royal family, makes it even more difficult for few like myself to trust him, while he is being paraded and rain-showered for his 'popularity' and decision makings. And as people like myself have stated before, you can like something, you can like Trump all you want, but you still have to hold him accountable for his mistakes.

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We all have one life on this planet, so let's not let it go to waste. Where I have failed to find common sense in my neighbourhood, I hope I can find it here on Steemit, though my bets are it's gonna be a mix of opinions in the comment sections of this post. Just my two cents in this.

P.S. And if all goes well for this post, I may consider more commentaries in the near future. Anything that can help make an honest living in this messed up world we all live in. Not in it for fame or recognition, but just trying to find the means to afford myself a better home than the one I have right now...