Big Brother and 5G state growing rampantly out of control...

in #news5 years ago


Credit goes to Max Igan for breaking the silence on this non-stop. All thanks to him, now we know that 5G is a little more than simply 'spying' on your cellphones or whatever SMART device you use. If it were truly that simple to stay off the grid, but unfortunately it's not that simple. He was speaking with Luke Rudkowski from WeAreChange at Anarchapulco or whatever it was, as I am loathed to say it, I cannot say that me and Luke see directly eye-to-eye on everything, and I have my reasons. It's not the appropriate time for me to publicize these reasons, but this isn't about Luke. This is about how dangerous 5G is according to Max Igan.

Sure there is plenty of declassified documentary on the 5G grid itself, all published on DARPA's website. For those of you who missed out on Max and Luke's discussion, 5G has been used previously during the Iraq war, just the early stages of it. Apparently, through the microwaves and frequency emitters, it sounded alot like the voice of God to the Iraqi soldiers, Al-Quaeda, or whatever. A voice telling them "Surrender. This is your God, Allah speaking. Drop your weapons and surrender to the friendly US troops." or whatever. But in the modern society, a voice tells a local shopper nearby to "Go shopping.", and then the customer is like "WTF? This is an invasion of my privacy!", which clearly it seems. Apparently not a whole lot of people seem to give a damn about their privacy anymore, and how many waves of fools who have fallen for the deceptive online label known as Facebook. Sorry to say but for those of you using Google, or Google Chrome and if you think you're private and secure with this Incognito addon, you're not. Back on 5G...


How it seems to work, if I'm not mistaken this is a photo of one of their towers. After doing a bit more research, I discovered not only is 5G an intrusive program created by big bad government to monitor everyone, but also it poses health concerns. Even cellphone carriers are known to contact early diabetes, which to many is scary, but to me, is some serious stuff. As I was mentioning before that you soon will not be able to escape it, according to Max. And why? Because like I said, it does a little bit more than just smartphone spying and even tinfoil hats won't protect you. Your brains and eyesights are basically receivers, it can transmit microwaves and other frequency signals. And to top it off, organic human metals. I'm not a doctor nor scientist, I don't know much about this stuff, but I do know that 5G is a potential weapon that can be used against humanity. If the 5G towers are not bad enough, how many sattelites have they launched into space? And what's this talk about 5G repeaters in the update? That means we're going to be seeing them on every streetlight post? Some sorry fools may say 'Oh mah gawrd, 5G is the best thing eva! I want 6G, let's do it man!', and 'I always wanted to see my favorite movies in 4K setting!', well,,, as seemingly 'wonderful' as these features may be to some of you, but ultimately it just explains how awfully close you're getting to the massive microwave made for humans everywhere while you're at it. We already have enough connection speed as it is, and I can connect to the internet just fine without 5G. We've all connected through 3G and 4G normally, but we do not need a clusterf__k of 5G or higher. Both USA and China need to stop doing this. And let's not even get on the subject of artificial intelligence, so that Elon Musk also voices his warnings and concerns about...


On note of the biometrics update in American airports now rising into acceptance, though people are still being given an option to opt out of it, but I find that's highly unlikely to be accepted by the facial recognition companies and they will still continue to collect your personal data anyway. Some of us like myself would be thinking now would be a really good time to leave the US and Canada as the 5G grid is slowly being accepted, though problems are visas and passports. I never left my country before and I would really like to, as a means to escape the 5G grid but even if that is, no matter where you are, how underground you are, it will eventually find you. And if you're anti-establishment, anti-war, etc., or simply if the system does not like you enough, it can selectively target you for active denial, and then the 'smart police' come for you, and throw you in the 'smart prison'. I know this is talked about plenty, but I feel my need to express my concerns that 5G can potentially be used like the neutron bomb, but without the blast, wiping out 8 billion people, and if that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will.

So here I lend my voice to the rallying call that the development of 5G must be stopped. We already have enough that we do not need more than what already exists, so 5G must either be scrapped, or brutally regulated in favor of health and safety concerns. The people who control it, is NOT trustworthy obviously, they are all criminal cartels of the ruling class, and they clearly don't give a damn about you or humanity. Needless to say, they are indeed psychopaths as they are megalomaniacs and opportunistic con-men, you all know how politicians are. I do not know how long humanity can ignore the dangers of 5G, and regulating it won't help. My personal opinion of 5G, it needs to be taken down completely. It is not too late now to rather instead of just speaking out against it, but rather to do something about it as well. Your very future, OUR future depends on it. Though we don't have alot of time as 2020 is approaching soon, and I do not plan to stay in major city areas to where 5G will be going up. While I get myself out of dodge, but soon enough there won't be any safe havens left to flee to. Running away from 5G won't defeat it. Which is why all of you must take a stand against it now, because 5G is dangerous and untrustworthy...