Aftermath Media Censorship: Why I left YouTube long ago...

in #news6 years ago


I was once a well known modder, gamer, and machinima artist in a small community/circle. I wasn't that popular (obviously), and all I had on my main account was roughly about 98 subscribers, and that's it. Hoping to have made my 100th mark, but reasons of another nature forced me to abandon the platform and upload my filmworks elsewhere. I will not say where, because I make these mainly for myself and my friends now. I will not state the alias of my old YouTube account for the reasons of being anonymous from a hostile third party, well exactly a clan on Steam that I used to be at war with. When will I start uploading my films in public again? Well first, I see alot of potential in DTube, but two questions come to concern about privacy and how exactly DTube sails with 'Fair Use' under copyright laws. I mean, I'm seeing anime shows and movies being uploaded there, some NSFW content too. As it seems to be a wild west at the moment, whom is to say about the legal bull____ or simply if the owner of DTube simply doesn't give a damn and says 'upload whatever you want, it's all good'. But even if that were true, and if I wanted to upload just about 'anything' on there, even the machinima films I had stored long on my hard drive, I don't wanna be blasted over copyright claims and monetization takedowns, which truth to be told, I NEVER make money off my work when it involves the content and assets of others, thus credit is fully given regardless. I just don't want to be under fire of the legal bull____ when uploading my videos again...


However, YouTube did not see this like we YouTubers in 2008 did, as the music copyright was only the first step of it's corruption. Here I had my fellow friends on there point me out to some guy named WMG, but it turns out to be the wrong source. No, Warner Music Group was the culprit firing the shots. Then the other music labels got similar ideas, and followed in it's example, monkey-see monkey-do. While I do not approve of censorship anywhere, especially in social media, but it wasn't unexpected. Even I had dumb___ conservative right-winger members of my family try to tell me that YouTube was afraid of getting sued, or the music labels are in fear of being sued by the bands and musicians, but you know what I think? I think it's all just petty bull____ excuses to justify censorship, capitalism, slavery, you name it. All of you, the readers of this, may not exactly see it like I do, but I'm fine with that. We are all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs, but do not think I will take your words for granted. If you really want to prove to me something, then show me proof, evidence, hard facts, etc.. Show me your sources, because I don't buy rumors at price value unless they are backed by the weight of facts and evidence. That being said, I need not to tell you that Conservative right wingers are being targeted and banned on YouTube, possibly shadow banned at that too. I was one of these people who tried to warn you folks that this would happen, and now it is happening.

But the only reason I'm still on YouTube right now, as another account name, is hopefully trying to reconnect with my old friends from back in 2008, to see if they still remember me and such, they're probably busy with college nowadays and that's not really any of my business knowing. All that matters to me is that friends stay connected, no matter what s__t the future may throw at us. At ALL of us individually. And no, I do not have any films uploaded even if I am finally past the 15 minute upload limit. Back in 2008, we could only upload YouTube videos up to 10 mins. After the music copyright fiasco, it was only then, new YouTube user layout? Boring. Forced immigration into Google+ accounts, disgusting. But in the middle of all that, it was only then the minute limit of YouTube uploads significantly increased to 15 mins. But in late 2011, I was forced to close my YT account not because of my enemies, but because the direction YouTube was going, and considering that I openly spoke out against Google, and I'm still anti-Google to this day. Those of you who use Google don't seem to understand how important your privacy is, and by relying on it's sources 24/7, be it for website popularity, user storage or whatever, you're basically feeding the beast. And soon, it would become eventually strong enough to corrupt and turn against you.


While my warnings were either ignored or shut out by these f___ing retards from an enemy clan of whom's sole purpose is to destroy me at whatever cost because of the mass retaliation I delivered against them for provocation into war, and why? Because I was allied with two of 'their' enemies, though I can say I never knew these a__holes personally until one of my allies asked me and my clan for help, I said "Yeah, sure. We'll provide some muscle for you and your boys", and then their enemy took it like as if I intended to attack them. But that's another story, and I won't get into that. That's not the reason why I left YouTube however. The true reason why I left YouTube is because the censorship continues and no public action is done against it. There has also been word from anti-establishment figures like YourAnonNews on Twitter confirming the NSA has been bulk-collecting data on not only Americans without a warrant, but our YouTube metadata as well. So that was my main focus, to go off the grid for a while. Afterwhile, I returned, thanks to my friend in Sweden for getting me past that stupid f___ing registration process that requires your phone number. I'm glad I didn't give these Google c__t's my real number, for it's none of their damn business what I do in my personal and virtual social life.


And I know for a fact it certainly isn't the business of my enemies to nose into either, like they did in the past. I tried to speak out, tried to tell you people what's up, while you were all busy fighting SOPA and PIPA at the time, well I guess because 'Google' was your butt-buddy at the time. I hate to break it to most of you who fought against these legislation bills, and don't get me wrong, I was on the same front as you, but Google, is not whom you think it is. Even in the late days of the Obama administration, WikiLeaks has backed my claims and the claims of others with proof. After seeing Google employees being offered by their employers 'government internship' into the CIA and whatnot, it's pretty obvious to say Google/Alphabet is a proven CIA front. Just like the Google/CIA-engineered ANTIFA. Why else do you see Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Alphabet, or former, I don't know his corporate status, working closely with the Pentagon? Why do you think people like James Damore banned from Google? Why do you think now, that Google people want out of the Pentagon's projects?

I tried warning you people, but you didn't listen, and so now those of you who used Google's assets or worked for Google, are now paying the price of your ignorance, only to see the greater evil unfold before your very eyes. Even your company's 'slogan' has ironically backfired on itself. 'Don't be evil', huh? Whatever happened to 'Don't be evil'? Because it turns out all along, you corporate w____s working for Google, are the true evil. Do you understand your mistakes now? As Google fanboys, or former? As for me? I never trusted Google from day one, and I can say I am the least disappointed in contrast to most of you who may or may not have worked for Google in the past, and why? Because I don't rely on Google, period. I never store my information and metadata in their data farms, ever. And even if I am using their services for a temporary process, it's only to give them bull____ information and log in from a different IP addresses, but seriously people. Use VPNs, and you won't be disappointed. Proxies are usually a browser thing, so VPNs are the real deal.

And because of them, ever since Google purchased YouTube fully, it's gotten worse and worse. And it will continue to burn and fall to the ground. From what we YouTube veterans know, YouTube is now pretty much automated by robots. Artificial Intelligence of some sort, and that YouTube executives never look to the site's content directly. As of the events transpiring now, that Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks may soon be overturned to the UK by the current acting president of Ecuador, and the public fears are that Assange would be extradited to the United States for trial, and sentenced one to three years maximum in the gulag of some sort, will it be GTMO? I don't know.


But my bets are that Assange won't even live past his prison sentence, and if I can guess, Clinton's people, the same people who killed Seth Rich, may also attempt to take Julian's life, though I hope I'm wrong on this, and the fact that President Trump has stated he loved WikiLeaks, but I do not believe he is sincere. And I do not think personally, that Trump will save Julian from his fate, nor does he have the power to do so. Whatever happens to Julian Assange, will be as of according to Luke and Jason from WeAreChange, etc., that this may be the death of free speech. And what this means is that we, the internet today are seeing before us, unfold a marxist liberal socialist agenda to get others censored and banned. And just two days ago from now, right wing conspiracy nut Alex Jones was recently banned from YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., and yet he still has his Twitter access. I never was a fan of Alex Jones since the whole psy-op fiasco about Alex Jones has finally been debunked. He's been ongoing about certain stuff like FEMA camps and the gray coffins that were purposed to be served as graves to fit ten bodies in. Clearly this is not the case, as the containers weren't exactly built for that purpose, though I do not know what they use them for. All I know about Alex Jones is the fact he's reading everything off a script (obviously!), and doing exactly what his Deep State masters command him to do. So I stopped paying attention to him ever since, and it's not because he was pro-Trump. It was before that actually. Though I do not sympathize to Mr. Jones for his ban, but this is also a bad thing. In my case, two wrongs do not make a right. But apparently YouTube is the aggressor. One of the voluntary suppressors of free speech. Phillip DeFranco complained about some video being demonetized just for acting as a promotional charity to help assist the victims of a certain disaster of some sort, I don't remember exactly what charity it was that he was fundraising. Seeing that YouTube gave him (or others like him) a rather idiotic response:


And of course, the YouTube team got blasted by angry tweets of others as you would expect. Though I do not think personally that YouTube gives a s__t what we, the whole community thinks and disapproves of them otherwise. Sargon of Akkad nearly got banned as well, and seeing that WeAreChange may soon be on the chopping block, it's only a matter of when, though I'm glad they got a backup channel in case s__t hits the fan. The truth needs to be heard no matter what. And now, Alex Jones and InfoWars are now banned from YouTube. It's not surprising to say, considering the fact he supported Donald Trump and that his policies may obviously have been right wing, I'll assume Republican. Now I may not agree with most of what he's been saying in the past, because he's been exposed as a shadow government shill, and I've been ignoring him ever since. I may not like Alex Jones, but his YouTube ban is another proof of the seemingly never-ending stream of YouTube censorship and corruption ever ongoing. Considering the fact it is now a safe haven for Fake News central, and I'm glad to see Luke Rudkawski (If I pronounced his last name right...) is busting his a__ to get every bit of information out to the public on the events of the world today, of what we are not being told by these mainstream media outlets. I thank you Luke, for the work that you've done so far, and I encourage you to keep doing what you do.


But on regard of censorship and the scraping of the first amendment, so what are you, the American public going to do about it? Are you gonna protest? Sit on the floor and cry like a baby? Or complain non-stop about the ongoing corruption and the outrages you suffered, but still refuse to take responsibility to do anything about it?

But unlike most of YOU sheeple, I'm arming and preparing myself for the worst fallout imaginable, and I WILL do something about it. I am not defenseless as my idiot progressive/conservative father wants me to be, for I will stand up and resist. I will fight in any way if it brings us back to the way that things were before this madness escalated, and I will fight in any way to stop the possible attempts of World War 3, or even so as much a 'hot war'. I have to agree with one hustler saying that people living in the Information Age are alot more dumber than the people of the Stone Age, and I couldn't agree more. At least I'm one of these exceptions. I will NOT work with the establishment when I know it does wrong, in fact it doesn't do much good for anyone. But I'm not just gonna stand there either, while the coyote scratches at my front door, for what I will do whatever is necessary to defend myself, my friends, and the other members of my family. But while YouTube goes down in flames, what will these extreme communist left wingers do next to shut us up? No I am not alt-right, I hate both parties. Liberals see fascism everywhere, conservatives see communism everywhere, and I see a bunch of idiots fighting each other and having no clue what the hell they're fighting about. That's my two cents.


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