2020 Elections - Trump or Biden? My answer: NOBODY...

in #news5 years ago


So the elections are coming around the corner and steadily at it's own pace. Knowing my personal experiences with Republicans who have a complete and total disregard of respect for one's property and one's boundaries. Republicans do not understand the ambitions of their own actions have consequences, and I know karma is not fully a myth. If you rush something so early like Trump tried to pull off with the elections 2 years beforehand, or simply just walk all over one's territory without permission and/or acts of vandalism, intentional or not, is pure signs of far-right behavior. Oh but Conservatives and Republicans look at themselves as parental figures, lemme tell you something. YOU WILL NEVER BE PARENTS, you are not mentally fit or qualified to even BE a parent. You may be pro-life unlike the far-left marxist/socialist SJW's/ANTIFA/neo-liberal agenda, but you could NEVER raise a perfect child. That's just one recipe for breeding hatred in the human race. Not to mention the inevitable chaos it follows in it's wake. That's right. You can only push a man around for so long until eventually, he starts pushing back. That is the consequence of aggressive far-right behavior. But there is the old saying: "What goes around, comes around.", and it's no exception right-wing folk are bound to this.

So I burned the far-right already with a rather brutal counter-statement from above, let's talk about the far-left extremes now. Yet it is so shocking but yet I fail to show surprise, what these self-proclaimed 'liberals' are doing to their children. Knowing my history, I grew up under a marxist socialist step-mother who claims to be native, thank the Gods she ain't my real mother. And of course the other, being the conservative a__hole father, as to why Republicans and Conservatives piss me off so much, if they're looking for a fight, I'll gladly give them what they wished for. But again, the marxist socialist 'liberals', much like my step-mother, like to pretend they are the victims of cruelty and injustice, yet they don't even see the damage they're doing to others who had NOTHING to do with their desperate situations in the past what-so-ever. I don't care if it's PTSD, I don't care if there's another family of step-bros and step-sisters, that does NOT give you the right to s__t all over your child, step or otherwise. None of these figures claiming to be 'my' parents, were EVER in any shape or form, parental material. And that's how I grew up in this literal hellscape. Never saw anything too great, only the pain, the grief, and hatred of others. I wish I didn't have to be born in such a f__ked up place, could've had more better parents instead but here in the west, it's pretty much the same as everywhere else. Heartless bastards of the marxist socialist factor or even that of easily manipulated and gullible conservative dumb___es that adhere to the voices of evil, believing their words to be truth and reasonable, while the once good people like myself, suffer under their brutal regime.

What am I trying to summarize from my past experiences on this? It's because the 2020 elections have bad candidates just like it was in 2016. I'll be fair, I didn't know much about Bernie Sanders back at 2016, thought he would kill the TPP bill and undo the damage brought upon us by the Obama administration, but seeing that he talks about the Russian collusion like as if Russia is evil and all that hysteria, now he won't get my vote next election. I was hoping that Bernie would be completely different from Trump and Hillary, but he is not the ticket we were all looking for. Joe Biden is the former Vice President under Barack Obama, and I know people have said some nasty things about him, proven his sinister nature and reputation on certain occasions. I do not know Biden's history, but I know he isn't the President we're looking for. And don't even get me started on Trump, he's been a colossal train-wreck ever since Michael Flynn was fired and he betrayed his own words to further the Syria conflict. Venezuela came second, and now he's looking for options to invade Iran on behalf of his slavemasters in ISRAEL. That's right. I said it. Israel. I'm not afraid to call it out like it is, because it is. You can call me anti-semitic all you want, it makes no difference. Because no decent person like myself, is any more anti-semitic than that of Israel.


Some brighter minds are saying there is a solution to bring the next upcoming conflict with Iran to a full halt. Even though Trump is seriously considering war with Iran. Bringing more sanctions will earn nothing but the stepping stone for global suicide. And it's not just John 'Neo-Con Warhawk' Bolton or 'Pompous' Mike 'I lied, I cheated, I stole' Pompeo. It's the entire f__king Trump cabinet that is a grave danger to everyone on the planet. I'm not playing this 4D chess game, and why? Because Trump didn't do s__t to save Julian Assange. The Trump train was destined to derail, and Ron Paul is a smart man for disembarking early. To stop the war on Iran, to stop the proxy wars against Russia and it's allies and to prevent the US Deep State establishment from having any more leverages on our freedoms, is to fire John Bolton, right? Will Trump do it? While it may serve many the wiser to keep a sharp eye on Bolton and his CIA buddy-buddies, still the fact that Trump called Putin over the Venezuela crisis, telling him that Trump doesn't want war with Russia. Oh really now? You don't want war with Russia, but yet you're okay with going to war against it's closest allies. Then again, that's precisely what I meant earlier prior to this article, that Republicans and Conservatives feel like they know the know-how's and tamper with property that isn't theirs, whether it's a lack of patience, an act of desperation or otherwise, Trump doesn't understand this world and the fact he's pushing more sanctions on Iran is the inevitable consequences that will follow in it's wake.

Trump is not only a danger to himself, but those around him and he doesn't seem to be the kind of president that puts his people's demands ahead of his own personal interests. But again, how divided America is in modern nature it wouldn't surprise me. And no, I'm not going to give him another chance, I gave him enough as it is to rebrand his image. So no, my support for Trump has officially ended ever since he attacked Syria twice, he will not have my support for a second term, he can go to hell like all other US politicians. So I guess it's finally come to the time that the American people now have a choice. Three choices in particular. One, you can either ride the Trump train into world armageddon and everybody dies in their vain attempt to defeat Iran, two, you can cling to creepy 'uncle Joe' who unmistakably LOVES China, and you will see more of the Orwellian-style social score system of a nightmare be even more surreal than ever, or three, you can think like I do, say that enough is enough, the system is a failure, time to overthrow the system and abolish our extremely evil government? Because there is just no point in voting anymore! Yeah, sure! Trump was a good start according to Ron Paul, because now the direction he is going, the establishment will be guiding it's cattle into the point of no return. If you wish to alter that path now, don't vote for anyone. Destroy the current US government and replace it for another if you so wish, but the warmongers must be stopped. Don't ask how to do it, get creative. Because Trump won't change his ways, Biden won't reverse it, there is NOT going to be, another JFK. I'll tell you that right now.


Do not let fear get in your way. In order for peace to prevail, in order to divert the path away from the war with Iran, yet only the most powerful weapons of war are stopped by reaching the men in Washington who have their fingers behind the trigger. Those who say that Iran is the main sponsor of terrorism around the world, you are turning a blind-eye to Saudi Arabia. Sure there are alot of Shia muslims who are good and bad, but again the Sunni muslims are even more worse. Your hands chopped off, beheadings, etc., all of that is common in Saudi Arabia. And you of all people dare have the nerve to tell me Iran is the sponsor of terrorism? No no no no, you got it backwards buddy. USA is the main sponsor of terrorism, USA created ISIS, USA is an empire in decline. USA will soon lose it's status as the world superpower anyway. The economy would then most likely turn to s__t, but they'll have alot less problems than it is to start a war over the f__king petro-dollar. Greed is a common motivator for war, and yet the Washington government still thinks it's living on cloud nine, yet how ironic that Russian president Vladimir Putin, is actually a president waging for world peace, even with those NATO c__ksuckers building up offenses around Russia's borders, and you're gonna tell me Russia is the aggressor? You see, I'm not an ego-slave of a flag-loving statist much like the many of you are, but between the two evils, I go for the lesser. And Russia seems to be the least evil in comparison to the US. Sure, the Russians may not be perfect, but they at least understand common sense in these critical times. A war with them would be global suicide. I don't know about many of you, but I don't wanna leave this Earth early over a stupid f__king war started by the United States and Israel, and I'm sure the same can be said for our children.

I for one, am also an anti-war advocate as much as the rest of the few good of you obviously are, though you're the average people who want to live your lives in peace and harmony, right? Well, get away from your keyboards, get outside, and do whatever is necessary to obstruct your western governments' plans from having their war with Russia, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba, because nuclear war is NOT the solution to America's problems. Nobody is a winner in nuclear war. And the problem with government will not solve itself obviously, for it is time that you, the people, stop dividing yourselves over this, come together in arms and do something to stop it.