2019 - Why be skeptical more than positive? Here's why...

in #news6 years ago


So the year 2019 has arrived, and US elections arrive a little early. Usually a president's term is no more than four years, and knowing USA's presidency, two terms equal a possible eight years of governance for that specific president, depending on whether he/she is lucky or not. I do not know if Donald Trump will win another term, now that he's pulling troops out of Syria a bit more firmly than before, and how senator Rand Paul is supporting this. Don't get me wrong, it's a good sign. It's definitely a step in the right direction, but if you ask me, it came a little too late. I'm not a man of patience myself, and I have my reasons as to why that is.


Because whether or not Trump is some kind of saint, role-model or otherwise (which I highly doubt), no matter his decision it seems very evidently that there is defiance to his chain of command. Hence the neo-Liberal biased mainstream TV propaganda cartels and the tech companies they paid to be very hush-hush about on certain highlights of the truth you are not being told on national television, that and their cattle, their brainwashed masses such as ANTIFA, BlackLivesMatter, SJW's, etc, and they all weigh in to suppress not just Conservative voices but ultimately to suppress us free-thinkers of our freedoms and rights to think independently, and without any bias to any party. They also censor their own pawns in the Democratic/Liberal parties when they know something is wrong. But yet if they tried to call it out, they get lynched and revoked of such a platform to discuss their opinions and dissents freely.

While I have yet to see how President Trump will overcome this charade of neo-Liberalism or marxist socialism if you wanna call it that, while I have yet to see him actually combat censorship, and just because he re-legalized plastic and hemp, does not say very much about the United States as a whole. As it so happens, the nation itself is in a clash of it's own war, left vs. right, and ultimately in my views, two wrongs do not make a right. I have lost all hope for the United States to be a nation of peace as I officially recognize it as a rogue, bloodthirsty empire of a mercenary state ultimately serving the private interests of these globalist elite banksters and these khazarian cartels, the 1 percent of governments and corporations who do NOT have your best interests nor mine at heart. As a Russian general said in the Ministry of Defense, Konashenkov I believe his name was, said it like it is: 'Administrations change, but the agenda remains the same.', and I believe firmly in these words. Some may say I'm a Russian agent or spy saying this, but the ultimate truth is, you do not have to be Russian in order to criticize the evils of Washington's government and the Rothschild/Clinton/Soros elite that they serve.


Let's get one thing straight here. Russia is NOT our enemy, and Vladimir Putin has no interest for world domination. We need not befriend the Russians, but they're a nuclear superpower. And Russia's missile defenses are too powerful to deal with. If the Russians exist, it can be viewed upon as a balance for peace between two empires, which is unlikely, or often seen as a necessary evil. I've come to firmly believe that the American definitive known as 'Democracy and Freedom', is all but a smokescreen. Ultimately, it is no less to me the new age of neo-Communism. Sure America mostly had it's Capitalist roots, which nobody in their right mind would consider supporting. No matter the promising ideals said by all forms of government, in the end they turn out to become lies. As is the famous saying: 'Power corrupts'. And the only people that fight against the hegemony of empire states like the US are libertarians, voluntarists, and anarchists. The only few people on this Earth that understand a basic semblance of common sense. But those who have been listening in on the RT feed or any other Russian news source, those who agree with the words of Putin have one thing in common, and that is common sense. Now Putin may not exactly be the ultimate savior for humanity as so many hope he is, he's made some decisions that I do not agree with, such as benefiting Israel and Saudi Arabia as allies, and yes he may not be perfect. But as far as the never-ending stream of humanity's madness goes, I say that Vladimir Putin at least, is alot more of a better leader than Trump, or even that of Obama. Just professionally, this is my scope of the observation. You are welcome to believe what you may think of him or the Russians otherwise, but if you hope for war with them, you are just digging a mass grave for Earth's humanity.

There are those who rather see the world burn than to let it fall into the hands of America. I rather not either, but I most certainly will not accept the imperial rule of the Divided States of Hypocrisy and Lies. Forget asking me where I'm from, because countries don't matter. I was not born here anyway. I come as a descendant from a world far beyond the one you know, but we're not getting into that. Because things may be calming down in Syria, does not mean the battle is over. From what intel suggests from independent media sources and Russian sources combined, the United States is setting up shop in Africa, as John Bolton likes to call it a way to counter Russia and China.


Ah yes, Bolton. That deranged and degenerate old fool of a war criminal. And it took you people this long to finally say 'ARREST HIM!', or if the YouTube searches were heavily censored by the neo-Liberal biased executives that work for it, I of course am referring to Google, Alphabet, ultimately Eric Schmidt, who so happens to be working closely with the Pentagon, which is why people like me and Julian Assange have tried to warn you before that Google is not your best friend. STOP USING THEIR SERVICES. Because the only way to stop this evil, is to refrain from using it altogether. Now I know Google may have a robust list of resources such as Google Maps, Google Mail, Google Translator, Google Earth, blah blah blah, the list goes on. But you know why these exist? Because you, the masses of humanity put too much trust into this company.

Back on the subject of John Bolton, pretty much he seems to be the man calling the shots when it comes to US foreign policy now. Whether or not on Trump's behalf, he is also responsible for the arresting of Huawei's CFO, which according to former senator Ron Paul, will leave the United States powerless and broke. Rightfully so! Because believe it or not, China owns the majority of USA's debt. Why else do you think we see on the back of our products 'Made in China', 'Made in China', and your favorite yet probable coffee mug's bottom label, 'Made in China', etc.? It's pretty obvious! And you need not be the world's smartest man to know that! I do honestly believe that Bolton should be arrested, but the sad truth of reality, it's not gonna happen! Power will always sacrifice one of it's subordinates to save itself, but if I had my way, Bolton would be subject to capital punishment for his crimes, but professionally, I say give him a life sentence. Even though that's not gonna happen, and I'm gonna tell you why it won't happen. Because you, the American people live in the information age of neglect and cowardice. I do not know if you Alt-Righters or Alt-Lefters have a grand scheme of a plan and why it's taking so long to execute, that or you just don't have the guts to survive a civil war and go through the same hell that military members of your families have been through! And I of course am referring to your VETERANS.


But even if it is now Bolton's turn to get grilled, yet I see that happening only lightly, why is nobody else slamming Mike Pompeo? Because his words calling WikiLeaks a 'non-state hostile intelligence service' or whatever the 'eff' he said prior to his assuming office as the CIA's temporary director is not enough to convince you that he is a bad guy who doesn't care for your rights or your will to object and speak freely? Because it seems to you that he made 'peace between the US and North Korea'?. That was not peace, that was just another setup to gain Washington political leverage. You know, if ALL the US military decided to pull out of every country they have no business in, America would not be hated as much right now. And ISIS exists because America, the suits in Washington D.C. CREATED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE! And you majority of idiots out there, those part of the US-NATO alliance, DARE have the nerve to tell us to our faces that Russia is the aggressor? I think YOU are otherwise.

I'm sorry to say, for my fellow audience who is even reading this, but 2019 won't be a good year. At least not for me. Yes I understand you all want to live happy, start again, new and fresh, and think positive. But apparently, through all my personal knowledge and experience of this world (and it is ALOT of experience), I'm afraid I must be skeptical. Yet I can say you good-hopers are pretty optimistic, but who knows? I've been proven wrong before, but most times I'm not. Seeing the surfacing of the Yellow Vests movement, it better carry some weight. Because most protests I've seen made little differences. It's like asking a tyrant politely not to be tyrants when after all, they made the decision to resort to violence. I made the decision to defend myself, my friends and my loved ones from such domestic violence, and that which I can state that I am in no shape or form a pacifist. I love our freedoms, I love what we have in seemingly peaceful manner for those not yet fallen victim to the authoritarian chaos like that in France where the riot police are out for blood. But if we don't defend these values, there will no freedoms left, no free internet, no home, no future, nothing. There would be no purpose to live on this planet if we cannot have the freedom of choice of how to live and conduct our lives in a peaceful manner. But I will not stand idle in the face of evil.

We won't make it to 2045 if things keep going the way that they are now. But I suppose that is precisely what World War 3 is. Not a physical war, but rather a proxy war. Meaning the acting nation itself must garner as much allied support and resources as much as it can, because if it collapses, if the very economy of that said nation collapses, it just makes it very easy for outsiders such as the US military to invade, plunder and destroy without any significant resistance. The US empire doesn't like to play fair, as many of you should know the bleeding obvious. Yet many few of you said USA will kill itself rather than having a foreign country or empire to destroy it from the outside because it would be a catastrophic result. Well I hope you're right about the 'shooting itself in the foot' statement. But this also means the US petro-dollar will lose it's purchasing power. Seeing that I currently live in the 'rotten West', or so that few Russians and Easterners would call it, but I have no love nor interest for any of the Western countries here, nor their governments. No, I'm not a flag-waving statist, well not for 'these' countries and I see no reason to be. Growing up in a life of lies, treachery and deceit, everyone's personal hell is their own versions, and I'm no different from knowing mine.


Oh dear! The financial collapse is coming sooner than you think! We're all going to be broke and helpless! Oh my! But again, I suppose that's why cryptocurrency serves as the alternative method to keep us from poverty. That and gather a few precious golds and metals, because I do not know what we'll be paying with in the future market, but seeing as I have alot to catch up upon, especially when it comes to cryptos. I don't even have a job and yet I wouldn't mind having one if it keeps me paid, independent, and free from the neo-skinhead roots of my so-called 'family', because I do not harbor their hate for human beings regardless of what skin color or wherever you're from.

My old man is a very propagandized, very stubborn and ignorant man who does not understand the outside world and is only familiar with the old codecs of his past live, being that of the 60's, 70's, etc., and now today he believes Muslims and immigration are a problem. That may be. Yes, the paranoia, the Islamophobia is very strong in him, but I never see him criticize the criminal actions of the United States or even Trump's mistakes in that regard. And yet he doesn't even dare to question the shady deals made by companies to impose upon us, to keep us controlled and enslaved on behalf of their governments, he doesn't even take the concerns of the food we eat seriously. He could eat McDonalds, he could eat Burger King, he could eat all these GMO crap foods and not even cringe to it. He is just bad news waiting to happen, he is also another dumb shill falling for the facade that is Facebook, and I want nothing to do with him, his false illusion of peace or his hateful acts anymore. He chooses to be narrow-minded, never to be coherent to the truth of what we're NOT being told by the mainstream media.

The average typical Westerner behavior you may say. Believe me, I tried so many times to tell him, so many times to express my dissent about his seemingly hostile behavior, I try to tell him why I avoid certain products that he consumes on a daily basis, meagerly asking for an alternative to these shady, yet popular brands. But I'm not saying he should replace his entire inventory, but the fact remains that I yelled in his face to make it clear that I will not swallow his poison anymore. Why did I yell at him? Well, if you've been paying attention to the news feed as of lately, of how two rude reporters kept interrupting Putin in interview, it's exactly like that. He just spouts back at me the same words his 'government' slavemasters told him from his days of young. Probably words like "It is alright, you will be fine! Trust in your government, trust in our security, we only wish to keep you safe, and we know what is best for you, trust in us." blah blah blah, all that crap. Who would be stupid enough to believe such unprofessional PR-sponsored gibberish? My vote's on the Conservatives.


I tried to explain to him my reasons, I tried to open myself and let him know how I feel, but like the rude a-hole he is, he will constantly try to overvoice his opinion over me before I even get to finish, and so that's why I have to scream the bleeding fricken obvious in his face. But you know what? 'Eff' 'em. I'm done with him. I'm done trying to make him a better father. There's nothing I can do to change his ways, because that's just simply the way he is. So if I am to know my peace of mind and relevant solitude, my goal is clear. I MUST get away from him.

But yet the truth is,,, I'm stuck with him until I have guarantee that I can move away from him with all my valuables and my connection to the internet. Thing is, I have too many valuables in his household that is not worth the risk of losing if in the event I push him to the edge of calling the cops or demanding eviction. He claims he can arrange that for me, but it is NOT on my terms. I just know it isn't. I'm not asking for a million dollar mansion or some fancy penthouse, all I want is a home distant away from his madness, and so that I have the freedom to not having to police my voice whenever I do voice acting on the mic, playing with friends online, or whatever. Ultimately, I do NOT want him breathing down my neck until his passing, and I do not want to move back in with the even more corrupt roots of his family. I do not want to feel miserable or emotionally cold ever again in the face of such a monster.


And I have no love for KKK people and biker wannabes with the same Confederate flag. I want to distance myself away from all that. It is my decision to play it lone wolf, though I do not mind neighbors. For long as they aren't bothering me, and I ain't bothering them. There is very few people around me right now, who are good listeners and good-willed people, and I try to reach out to them the safest way I can without the intervention of my ignorant father, and without pissing him off too much, because his nature can be very unpredictable. I can defend myself from such barbarism, but it's really not worth it. I'm not gonna sink my ship just to argue with his arrogance and piss each other off. But one thing is clear. He doesn't love me, and I sure as hell don't love him. 'Daddy issues' you may say? Those who say 'he should stay where he is, and garner some family counseling before running away', do not understand this situation and by saying that, you are doing a huge disservice to me, my wishes and my needs. Even 'Super Nanny' is anything but a mere insult to injury in children's lives. Systematically. Yes, the age of being a child is the confusing time of their lives, but you should be careful how you raise your children. Because if you treat them like my father and step-mother treated me in my days of young, they can rise up to turn against you, hate you, and you may lose them forever.

It was not my decision to scorn him with contemptible confrontations. He brought that upon himself, and the 'good father' he may once have been, is moving away from me, leaving me only with the bad, and the jerk-off. Aside from that, I can tell my friends and 'his' friends how I feel, though they are in no such position to help me escape him financially. But if cryptos can do that for me, if cryptos can help donate to my quest for survival, then I'll keep posting my rear off on Steemit on a daily basis if I must. I do not know a faster way to financially support my future, and my will to stay connected to the internet and continue doing the things I do on a daily basis, well hey. I certainly hope my journey here on Earth ends alot better than it began... Though it probably won't...