R.F.K jr, and smoking ban

in #news15 days ago


Golden Virginia seeds on the grow there.

There is a nanny state push towards banning tobacco in this part of the world, the EU - and the UK is leading the way in true dick-tator style, see below. The UK may have left the EU via brexit but that is in name only.

"UK smoking ban for those born after 2009 starts journey into law"....


The tallest in those two plant pots will be the first pulled and discarded, grown so fast they would never stand alone.
I can see a time, not a long time into the future that these plants will be worth more than gold, will be traded (seeds of) on the black market and grown out of sight just like cannabis is now in most countries in the EU.
I do not smoke but have enough land to grow these just because I can, so will and when grown and dried, I will give it all away to people that do partake, up to them.

Because I do not do something, does not make it wrong for anyone else to do it, that is my thinking, unlike nanny state governments, I am pro choice, not pro state rules.

R.F.K. junior.

"The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health."

I pre-ordered that book on Amazon, first and last time I have used that site in decades. I must admit with home schooling our daughter, the farming, motorbike restorations and online parts sales for bikes, I have not had time to finish said book.

"RFK Jr. confirmed as Trump's health secretary, over Democrats' loud objections."


And that brings me nicely to this topic, R.F.K. JR.

I like to be optimistic, sort of glass half full.
I do though have to be realistic, big pharma has billions in $ to advertise as they do in the USA, not allowed here, but there yes.
They also have lots of $ to spend on poli-tics as Bernie Sanders proved beyond any reasonable doubt with his line of questioning towards RFK a few weeks ago, not only him, but other Democrats that have been paid millions to tow the big pharma line, if you watched it, you know.

I am all for poli-ticians (tics) wearing sponsor badges so we can see who has paid who to promote them and their products, who has been bought and paid for, by whom, when and how much.

"Politicians should wear sponsor jackets like NASCAR drivers, then we know who owns them. – Robin Williams"

Without getting into the "did he say it, did he not" debate, whomever said it is right.
If they all had to declare it and wear it, own it on display, would they then be so bold as to question people like RFK in front of a camera, like they did?

Another quote I have used many times, and agree with 100% is from Billy Connoly, bless him, he is struggling with memory loss now.

“The desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever becoming one.”
"Don't vote. It just encourages them....”
― Billy Connolly............


The mayor here.

I do have good news regards my classic bike and car show this summer, it is going ahead with local council support.
They are providing toilets, a stand for a band, speakers, mic's, food stalls and more.
I have to team up with a classic bike club as it is them that will have to submit in writing the request for the above with dates chosen by me. But so they do not hijack the idea I am going to team up with 2 or more so they have to come to me first.
It will be international so if you want to come along feel free, camping will be available, bring a tent.



I have many bikes to show, that I have built from 1 bolt up, painted the lot, 1 man band and all.


Not just road bikes, I have built trials, motox, road and race bikes, still doing a couple now.

I hope some of you may pop by, you would be most welcome indeed, the location will be here at Podzamcze park complex Leczna Poland https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=leczna+map&ia=web&iaxm=maps&source=maps

That is all I have time for today, have a superb weekend.