J.D. Vance, the most powerful speech in the EU in decades.

in #news4 days ago


I am unsure if you comprehend how bad it is in Europe, censorship etc.

For context see the video from yesterday below.

I am not a fan as most know of poli-ticians, but his speech was worthy of note in the facts he addressed regards the EU, bureaucrats, tyranny, and even Davos got a side swipe, hats off and maximum respect to him for the courage to come here and tell them face to face.

The UK also had a beat down and deservedly so.
Germany is doubling down though on it's draconian, authoritarian position, resembling the Germany of the 1930's.

"Vance calls for U.S. and its allies to reject Germany’s ‘Orwellian’ speech laws."


Thought police.

As Germany heads into Orwellian thought police territory with offended policing, the UK has been there for years, if you dare offend someone online, the thought police come, knock your door and ask you to come to the police station so they can demand you "check your thinking" before daring to post a comment on twitter/x, facebook etc.
You can find many videos of this on yt.


UK has dedicated online thought police as above.

I wrote years ago on steemit about how the UK changed a law in the UK around 2003 from actual and factual to perceived, so facts mattered not anymore when it comes to being offended, it is down to individual perception.
That opened the door to the policing they have today, if your car gets stolen or house broken into, you call the police, they refuse to attend and give you a crime reference number instead for any insurance claim, and that is that, same with accidents on the road, but dare offend someone and the police are quick enough to knock your door then, and now Germany want to do the same.

Canada it looks like are doing the same, see below.

There seems to be a "group think" among the elitists, I prefer that terminology to elites, they are in no way elite when most of them are born into generational wealth and their education was at boarding schools pumped full of regurgitate repeat teachings, it only takes memory for that, and no new ideas come from old ideas, but they are stuck in history and not subjected to the normality any working people face.

The "group think" they seem to have is their are too many of us and the herd needs culling, though without the herd the likes of Boris Johnson who has opined and written about over population, how do they survive when they have no idea what a days real work is, or grocery shopping, making a bed or even making a cup of tea?.......
Bill Gates suffers the same delusions as do many elitists, they always have, it is in their genes.......

Boris below.

"How the hell can we witter on about tackling global warming, and reducing consumption, when we are continuing to add so relentlessly to the number of consumers? The answer is politics, and political cowardice.

There was a time, in the 1960s and 1970s, when people such as my father, Stanley, were becoming interested in demography, and the UN would hold giant conferences on the subject, and it was perfectly respectable to talk about saving the planet by reducing the growth in the number of human beings."


Bill Gates is on video stating reduction of the population via vaccines.

The other thing these elitists keep banging a drum about is C02, but why when it is only factually a tiny percent of what the atmosphere is?

Many brilliant people that state facts that plants need c02 get defunded, de-platformed, sacked. Like David Bellamy of the BBC did, he was a botanist and stated = "David Bellamy: 'I was shunned. They didn't want to hear'

"The botanist, 80 this week, says the end of his TV career was caused by his views on climate change."
"but in the last 30 years crops have got greener and grow quicker." CO2 acts as a fertiliser, he tells me, "and that is good news but we don't get"


As the USA pulls itself out of the lies, the woke era, the EU that always follows Americas lead in the end, same as the UK, well it seems so heavily invested in what was, the years and years of enjoying the lunacy of lies, the endless migration of illegals that get put up in hotels in the UK all over the country, some 5 star, they get 3 meals a day, on site doctor, on site dentist, free money yet not a single one of them entered legally while everyone else is supposed to obey the law, but why should they, if the illegals do not? Well them bureaucrats, poli-tics, they are digging in the heals, scrapping them across the floor on the end of the rope in a tug of war they know not a single one of them can win, not even combined.

The wind of change is not coming, it is here, seems some are not bright enough to see the writing on the wall, the age of being offended is over, the curtain has fallen, will the EU and west catch on quick, or die not trying?

"sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

You tell me!

J.D. Vance, the most powerful speech in the EU in decades.

Main photo is mine, credits to youtube for videos.