CONFIRMED: Obama arrested, but not for what you think

in #news8 years ago

There are several rumors floating around that former president Barack Hussein Obama was arrested. Many theories are floating out there and many rushed to make videos or print up news article about the arrest, but, like the shadow government he created, the details got so confused that almost no one got it right.

How do we know you got it right Shakaama? Because, my cute little peasant, Lord Shakaama is always right. Even when the truth is so painful you unsubscribe. I know. You’re an emotional little peasant and you live a stressful life working all the time and paying those bills. You come to youtube to be entertained. Well tuff titty said the kitty to the milk. Sometimes you gotta know stuff. That’s where lord shakaama comes in. I’m the one to break the news to you.

Welcome to the Shakaama Live Show, with your host Shakaama.

There was a rumor that Obama was arrested for trafficking and insanely huge amount of cocaine, so much it would pay for his shadow government. A few sources said this was the reason, and in fact this was one of the first breaking news that came out about the arrest.

Unfortunately this isn’t true. Sorry to tell you. Oh, I’m not saying he doesn’t do drugs. He even admitted that in 2005.
There was a rumor that he was arrested with his top brass, with Hillary, over Benghazi. Again, this is not the reason he was arrested. I mean, he should be, and Hillary and Valerie Jarrett should be under the jail for that if not the ultimate penalty for treason, but i digress.

There was a rumor that he was arrested after the Trump team and an independent investigation confirmed, that he had indeed wiretapped President Trump, then candidate Trump. This sounds great and it’s true there was confirmation that he did, in fact, wiretap president Trump and several leaders around the world, including Russia. But this wasn’t why he was arrested. No FBI spokesman named “Todd McMartin” issued a warrant for his arrest.

Yeah yeah, get to the point. Well, you see I have to destroy all the fake news, so you understand how dastardly this guy really is. Or, shall I say, the people behind this guy.

Who is this guy? Oh, You think he’s Barack Hussein Obama. Well, I regret to inform you, that the person you know as Barack Hussein Obama, is not in fact, that person. Evidence was presented to congress before 2008, specifically 2007. And they still voted him in. I can only guess that washington D.C. was overjoyed at the guy pretending to be Barack Hussein Obama. With the cooperation of the C.I.A., which was on to him immediately when he gained prominance in the democratic primaries in 2007, a secret investigation was launched.

They couldn’t know that then candidate Obama would actually not only take the lead in the primaries, but go on to get the nomination and sweep the presidential vote. Actually, some pundits said that his republican opponent, basically dropped out, setting the stage for an easy win, all orchestrated to get the phony into office.

This investigation uncovered that not only was his identity wrong, but, again, he was not a U.S. citizen and therefor inelligible for the office. Now this story isn’t new. The actual analysis of the birth certificate was presented to congress. But, as you can imagine, you cannot force congress to do, what congress doesn’t want to do. What a boondoggle congress must have felt, when they were presented with undeniable proof that the person calling themselves Barack Hussein Obama was indeed a fraud and not a U.S. citizen on top of being a fraud.

If you’ve been paying attention to my channel, I sometimes bring up that a lot of hollywood movie stars, or singers, or rappers, have zero talent, but they have so many skeletons in their closet that producers have a stranglehold over them. The same applies to the Washington swamp. If they can find an angle on you, a bit of leverage, they will twist twist twist till you under their complete control.

They promoted Obama as nearly the 2nd coming. And when they discovered he was half Black, which Black america considered full Black, they were overjoyed. He was a shoe in for the position. He would be powerless. And any analysis of the Obama white house shows you in 2 seconds, that he had zero control. Valerie Jarrett basically ran the white house from the show of their black widow lair. It came out through the secret service, that she had complete access to the president, including being able to go into his bedroom at any time, day or night, to get him.

Speaking of Jarrett, you do know she has connections to the muslim brotherhood, as did Hillary’s 2nd, Huma Abedin. Both Obama and Hillary were compromised and controlled. Hillary saw nothing but greed, not caring anything for the direction the country was going in, but Obama was the most puppet of puppet presidents ever.

So after getting several senators on board, finally, and several agencies, they moved in and arrested Obama. It is true he is being kept off shore, out of the united states. This is unprecedented, no pun intended. It has never been done, and with the corruption of D.C. for the past 30 years, no one ever expected they would actually arrest him.

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