in #news7 years ago (edited)


The You Tube PURGE of conservative channels has drawn mainstream media attention, and You Tube is calling the purge "a mistake". Here's the TRUTH about what is really going on. You Tube has formed its own 10,000 strong secret thought police squad that includes the enemy of Christianity, free specch and the second amendment, The Southern Poverty Law Center. Even though the Richie From Boston channel has been restored, dozens of other channels are still either terminated or under fire.

THANKS for tuning in.


Same deal with Jake Morphonios' channel called Blackstone on YouYube.

Thankfully, I just noticed that he is luckily on Steemit (see @morphonios) and his Dtube channel is:

Jake morphonios had close to 100 videos about the Las Vegas False Flag/Black Op event.

Here is the one similar to this particular topic/video from Sean of SGTreport:

YouTube Nazis Team Up With SPLC Marxists to Kill YouTube Truth Community

Still up on his alternate YouTube channel (calledJake 333):

Thanks for heads up that he's on Steemit. I hope a lot of these attacked YouTubers make it over here.

I think it would make sense to actually set up an association of attacked YouTubers so as to pool together and obtain an attorney(s) against ScrewYouTube strikes. It's not a long term solution because that requires another platform other than ScrewYouTube, but it would be a good short term solution so that these guys can at least keep going for a while longer there until a new long term platform is found or set up.

Now following you!

  • I like your idea of association of YouTubers; how to get this off the ground? I really can't believe a guy like Mark Dice is not on Steemit, as he has over 1.2 million followers. Look at his latest video about YouTube Censorship with 234k views and 5k comments!

Can you just imagine how much money he could make on Steemit & DTube; would probably reach a Wallet of over $1million in no time...Really strange that he is not here, as he must have heard of it.

  • I also like your renaming of the platform as ScrewYouTube, highly revelant and appropriate given the current circumstances.

Thanks very much.. A class action lawsuit would be another thing that such an association could easily organize. Considering all the revenues lost by content producers from the dirty tricks by GooGhoul / ScrewYouTube, they could run a massive class action suit. It could be similar in size to the Apple forced obsolescence suit(s), and that would send a loud and clear message.

You have to hit these MFs where they live - their earnings - and hit them really hard. You just need a few big hitter channels being threatened (e.g. Alex Jones) to get the ball rolling with some top notch attorneys, and the attorneys will happily organize the rest because they stand to make insane money from such a massive suit as well. The best defense is a good offense..

Youtube is out of control. We have to fight to make other platforms well known. Like this one and others. Pretty soon all alt media on YouTube will be censored and replaced with Bullshit mainstream news. These people are pathetic

we are subscribers have power... we can demand answers and we can bring youtubers back

@nanogivers 100-% for that is what happened in this video with Richie from Boston. YouTube didn't like the 50K + emails from his SUBSCRIBERS demanding the evidence. We are the power, well played!

amazing! well played indeed!

So @sgtreport is it worth it to stay on YouTube till they terminate the ability to do so? Or is it simply better to drop them before that happens? Of course with the many variables that apply to disconnecting from the 2nd largest search engine on the "main" stream. Maybe a small fish like me, just can't seem to want to even support youtube at all, especially with nailing many content creators that I support/subscribe to. Just like you SGT, for I am grateful for your work and BEING here on @steemit to support this blockchain ~ Namaste.

" We'll pass the books on to our children, by word of mouth, and let our children wait, in turn, on the other people. A lot will be lost on the way, of course. But you can't make people listen. They have to come around in their own time, wondering what happened and why the world blew up. " - Ray Bradbury

@sgtreport Do these YouTube Stazi soldiers understand how they are CUTTING their own THROATS ?? Probably not since they eat the GMO Food and Drink the Fluoride Water.........

We got to leave YouTube and stop begging them to take you back .

Why do you keep saying over and over again Pro-Jewish? Is that a bad thing? What is wrong with being Jewish? I guess you are touting yourselves a as a patriotic channel, but these references to pro-Jewish Southern Poverty Law Center does not sound very nice.

Did you know that out of the 3,473 recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor; 27 of those awarded were awarded to American Jews? How many on your patriotic staff have been awarded that medal?

Also out of all the political candidates during the 2016 Presidential Campaign, only one had received the highest honor from not one, but both of the largest Military Fraternal Organizations in the United States, i.e., the VFW and the American Legion. Do you know who it was? Well, I will tell you: Bernie Sanders, a Jew.

Do you know how many Americans worship Jesus Christ? That would be around 280 million or so. Oh, guess what? He was a Jew.

Ever hear of a guy targeted by the American Government for his political beliefs (he is a bit of a rabid Libertarian)? His name is Adam Kokesh. He is a Jew.

You know you guys sound just a bit anti-semitic and I really don't appreciate it. You have the right to say what you like, and by all means, if I am wrong correct me. Maybe my perceptions are a bit off. If I am correct, well so sad for you. Maybe you should move to Norway, oops forgot they have Jews there too.

Respectfully, @sgt-dan, a Marine, a Legionnaire, and a Jew.
