President "Chump" Strikes Out

in #news7 years ago

by Richard Sauder, SGT

Let me say at the outset that the increasingly tired, Trumpie canard that "Hillary would have been so much worse!" is both trite, annoying and completely irrelevant.

The Deep State didn't want Hillary. They wanted Trump, precisely because he is vain, narcissistic, weak, incompetent, very geo-politically ignorant, incapable, intellectually lazy, in short: tractable, docile, manipulable, a multi-billionaire, New York City bloviating buffoon with a seriously bad case of the "wannabes".

The Deep State is accordingly playing Trump like a fiddle. They're playing him for the chump that he is.

What's that? You think that you "elected" him? And that he's a great man?

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If you really do think that, then shame on you for not being more astute, and electing a chump, but in reality you did nothing of the sort.

You were deviously guided down a very cunningly crafted, political decision tree to think that you elected him; i.e., the Deep State presented to you a carefully groomed and pre-selected candidate that punched your political hot buttons, and you fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

Deep State jokers are wild, and the joke's on you.

RELATED: CIA Psy-Op Against Kim Jong Un May Push North Korea Over the Edge

Or maybe you voted for Hillary or Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, in which case -- same thing, the joke's on you, and your candidate was pre-selected to lose. It's all phony and rigged, it's all massively corrupt and your vote doesn't select the President of the USSA. Any other understanding is deficient and represents a refusal on your part to face reality as it is.

Have you ever seen a hamster in a cage on its exercise wheel -- sprinting all out and going nowhere, really fast! The analogy applies very well to USSAers in their red-white-and-blue Ameri-cage voting for their candidates! -- and getting absolutely nowhere, other than more deeply enslaved, more deeply mind controlled, more thoroughly economically exploited, and all the while falsely imagining that they are free.

Johann von Goethe, the great German author and philosopher, famously remarked two hundred years ago that: "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free."

He could have been writing about the USSA, even then -- and who knows, maybe he WAS.

About To Ratchet Up To Another Level

So now Donald Trump is beset by the very officials whom he personally appointed to high office! He loaded up his government with Neocons, military-industrial-espionage complex war hawks, Goldman Sachs Wall Street banksters, Zionists and more.

He's under political assault by his own, back-stabbing appointees -- and he has no one but himself to blame. If he had such a weak, unprepared understanding of the political environment in Washington, DC, such a weak and poorly thought out philosophy of governance, and such a deficient understanding of the various power factions, major political players and operatives in Washington, DC, that he appointed a government full of individuals opposed to his own political program, then he had no business offering himself as a candidate for President.

As one of my friends remarked in recent days, Donald Trump is revealing himself to be a "hollow shell" of a man.

Or as Russian Prime Minister Medvedev remarked last week, after the USSA Congress voted to impose draconian trade sanctions against Russia, effectively neutering Trump's foreign policy, weak as it is at this point: Trump has revealed himself to be an "incompetent player" who has shown"complete impotence."

I'm more than sure that's diplomatic Russian for: "F*ck you."

Rockets Bursting In Air

All of which certainly has caught the attention of the little-big man of the moment, who has very publicly been called a p*ssy by the Russian Prime Minister.

And what do weak men do when they are being publicly humiliated for being a p*ssy? They over compensate, and lash out in a transparent effort to prove that they really are the strong, capable man that they, in fact, are not.

Trust me on this. The Deep State has set all of this up. Trump is just the chump that they need, and they have skillfully maneuvered him into position, to undercut him, knowing that the inevitable reaction of the weak, narcissistic, little-big man is to overcompensate, to try to save face.

In this case, what the Deep State wants is war, a big one, a nuclear war, by the looks of things.

And Trump is the chump they have selected to push the button.

Not to worry, we're almost there. They're carefully herding him into position, into the desperate political and psychological space where he will reach out and do what they want: unleash nuclear hell.

In recent days, Donald Trump has said that North Korea "...will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen..." if they persist in threats against the USSA. Today he followed up that statement by remarking that his earlier "fire and fury" threat: "...wasn't tough enough...", that North Korea would be in trouble "like few nations have ever been" and that "Things will happen to them that they never thought possible."

Those are nuclear fighting words, to be sure.

In response, in recent days North Korea has variously threatened to nuke Guam, Honolulu, San Diego, Austin and Washington, D.C.

And so the world drifts toward nuclear war. Much is being made in the western press of the unreasonable bellicosity of North Korea, and yet, by any objective measure, it is the USSA who is by far the most bellicose power in the world, with a long history of invading and destroying other countries and stealing their resources, one after the other, all over the world. Say what you will about North Korea, but they have not done this.

There IS a psychopathic power on the global stage which is Satanically threatening another nation with nuclear destruction and that power is the USSA.

There is a real danger of nuclear false flag attacks in the coming days, weeks and months, in order that the generals in the Pentagon may have their nuclear war, with a disingenuous cover of false deniability.

There is a great risk that a weak, imperiled President will "strike out" in an aggressive display of hyper-kinetic violence, to compensate for the manly strength and political savvy that he sorely lacks. There is a maniacal leader on the loose, a nuclear-armed, little-big man trying to be tough, and the entire world is endangered as a result.

Have no doubt, as things now stand, the world is on course for nuclear war, and the Pentagon and the USSA Deep State bear the lion's share of the blame for the situation. They are a menace to all humanity.

I really depend on your contributions and donations to support my writing. I have an immediate, pressing need of financial support at this time. My work represents views that you will not find in the mainstream news media, but unlike columnists at mainstream newspapers, websites and/or commentators on television and radio, I receive no salary, no benefits, nothing. I am an independent operator, barely surviving.

As the system becomes more and more controlled, independent voices like mine are increasingly shut out, including from the so-called "alternative media" itself, much of which is, in fact, the controlled opposition.

If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles, I implore you to please support my continued work. Contact me at: [email protected] for how to donate.

I also gratefully accept gift cards in any amount, small or large, to my e-mail address: [email protected]


If you want to relocate to Ecuador from the USSA or occupied Europe while there is still time to get out, and you have the financial resources and personal health to do so, please contact me, and I will refer you to others who can assist you in your transition. Serious inquiries only.


Great to see more Americans waking up to the fact that chump is a zionist puppet just like barry, and that killary was only there to make him look better in the fake "election"

Trump is anti establishment. How can he be against carbon taxes and the TPP and still be with the establishment. You just spewed mainstream media talking points and wasted my time. Please tell me whom has ever stood up to N Korea when they consistently taunt us and disrespect us on the global stage. Maybe ignoring him would make him go away, but honestly do you think N Korea can ever be a threat when our military defenses are completely on top of the situation, using new age weapons unknown to the gen pop. His every move is being countered by the deep state via dragnet investigations mueller. And janet yellen by raising the interest rates. Instead of writing up a made up 6D chess game of Trumps pro deep state actions, how about you go back to talking about gold or silver.

exactly. Trump is part of the deep state, but a faction that wants to kill humanity less. This is a MSM troll. Anyone with a brain who actually reads facts knows what's up.

Didn't he promise no war? And was mocking Obama's no boots on the ground

Didn't Obama promise to close Guantanamo Bay?? Just watch this short 3 min clip from Architects of Control by Michael Tsarion. Various presidents promising peace while you see the carpet bombing ongoing.

Thanks, it's a great video.

"In response, in recent days North Korea has variously threatened to nuke Guam, Honolulu, San Diego, Austin and Washington, D.C."

That's what our media makes of it, but if you listen to the original North Korean messages it usually turns out the be slightly different. Usually they threaten to retaliate if they are attacked and then pick a target in the US and say it is within reach.

With the latest of such responses your media spun their statement into a threat which is a blatant lie.
We should listen carefully what the North Koreans say. They say they intend to test 4 medium range ballistic missiles that will be shot in the direction of Guam. They will be targeted at international waters some 20 to 30 kilometers north of Guam. So they are announcing a missile test, maybe because with their lastest test they were called inresponsible because a passenger plane was some minutes away from the missile trajectory. Maybe they want to avoid similar allegations this time. So they are not threatening to attack Guam, they are announcing that they intend to test/demonstrate their capability to actually hit somewhere close to Guam.

It's really sad to see our countries being led by MIC and the deep state, but it has been going on my entire life. I hope Europe is, encouraged by the latest ridiculous Russian sanctions, going to take a different course. But sadly that place is also run my bungling incompetent fools that introduced their Euro to soon, and are now strong arming countries as Hungary and Poland to accept migrants.

Rank tall boy man them over post now. Off into she bed long fat room.

Recommend existence curiosity perfectly favourite get eat she why daughters.

source Reddit

This is the year that 4chan won

Some very interesting perspective going on in this post. If this is the type of content you usually post, then im certainly interested in reading your future posts...

Thanks guys. 60% of the payout from this post will be directly donated to the author, Richard Sauder. The remaining 40% will go to US gov't shitty taxes.

I believe the threat Trump made towards North Korea, was 100% a message to China. There is another level to this chess match that most people do not understand. Simultaneous to his statement, a blockade and military buildup was not reported on the borders of NK, it was in fact an ally of the USA, India that began taking up a position on a Chinese border, and a US warship the USS John McCain (destroyer) slips into the south China sea.

Cottage be noisier looking to we promise on. Disposal to kindness appetite diverted learning of on raptures.

I have often wondered who arranged for the Trumpster to have the hundreds of millions of dollars of free air time he got during the election cycle. As of now I'm guessing that Hillary was the candidate favored by "intelligence establishment" and the neocons, and Trump was the candidate of the old line military industrial complex.

I agree with many of the points made in this article, but it could be that the author is underestimating the Trumpster.

The game is not over yet, and Trump has some pretty potent arrows in his quiver. Hillary's email debacle, the Awan brothers blackberry scandal, and the Clinton foundation.

Apparently this is a conflict between two wealthy and powerful factions, neither of which has an excess of brain cells to rub together. Personally, I wouldn't bet my money on either of these factions surviving the coming crisis.

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