in #news7 years ago (edited)

by SGT,

This is a breaking news update from SGT Report. Representative Steve Scalise was targeted for assassination today in Alexandria, VA.

Rep. Scalise was allegedly shot by a man officials have identified as James Hodgkinson, who was killed in a subsequent shootout with DC capitol police.

As is so often the case in these events, the alleged shooter is dead so there will be no round of questioning, after all dead men tell no tales.

However, Investigative journalist Liz Crokin has a few specific thoughts on the incident and Crokin believes that she knows exactly why an attempt was made on Steve Scalise's life today.

The DC child sex trafficking nightmare is known as "Pizzagate", while the global problem of child sex trafficking is known as "Pedogate" and they are the KEYS to bringing down the entire deep state apparatus.



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I've interviewed survivors before. It's the most heartbreaking thing. Bugs the crap out of me. Death penalty to them all who abuse those who can't defend themselves!

In NYC, where I was street vendor for more than 20yrs, there's a condo complex on w23st called London Terrace Towers. I posted my belief that it was a hub for IDF/CIA/mafia narco / human trafficking ops. The next day, a very aggressive driver in a late model black SUV nearly ran me over on 59st & bwy. I call that positive feedback.

RIP Steve Scalise

Nice work Sean!

Thanks TLR, correction noted: DC capitol police. Thank you.

I am glad you've got this on Steem. Do we need to put together a protection force for those who are investigating #pedogate?

That would fit with my ↑YOURS philosophy

It is a worrisome issue, our enemies have hit teams running around this country, which Liz Crokin and I touch on in the full interview.

I've been wracking my brain all day but I was sure there was a reason for all of this. Is Liz Crokin on here yet? We need to get her on Steem too. She's a fantastic reporter.

I told her about Steemit and Petreon, she needs to get on both ASAP!

You're doing a great job. I'd say this falls in line with the other strange "coincidences" that keep on happening. Did you ever get a chance to look into my story? Will post so you can check it out.

Just read your article, and left a comment. I'm glad you came through it in one piece. Our foes are dangerous people.

Nice work! Man its absolutely crazy the amount of human trafficking that happens in the US. Also it makes you think that he was fine to in critical condition.This here is a pic from a month ago for missing kids

Wow. I am always shocked at parents who don't think this stuff happens. If I did work, I'd find a way to work from home and keep my kids home with me. Blessed to just be a gun toting mama. This world is headed for Judgement. But we know who wins in the end.

Oh yea I agree with you I am working to help make it a better place but its a mess. I love it cause parents think its a conspiracy when clearly based off numbers and stats thats clearly false. I will say if you have young kids have them stay away from Twitter. Im interested to see what happens within the next 5 years cause its gonna be hectic.

I just listened to a GREAT broadcast on Hagmann and Hagmann with Liz Crokin and others on PizzaGate, the disgusting trafficking (I am SO against this, it is SO Soddom and Gommorrah!). My hubby does Cyber Security. So, we have no facebook, no twitter, no television, my children will not get phones. No internet or ipads or devices for the kids. We are SO old and SO boring. Anyhow, this is the stuff that does make me angry. Got to be angry about the things that anger God. Much of the stuff of life is not worth worry or concern, but don't mess with the kids! I cannot FATHOM what these children go through and it is honestly SO HARD to stomach just hearing the discussion. And shame on those who enable the continuation of such filth.

Ill have to check it out! Thats good cause Facebook and Twitter does horrible things and what they allow thats why I joined here. Yea I agree and people are to worked up over issues that dont exist while human trafficking is going on in the background. Yea I totally agree with that! And Twitter advocates for it and that makes me more angry. When we have non compliant websites that allow this stuff it only makes it worse

I am very jealous that you have stuck to your guns.... I am currently debating the merits of iPhones and androids with a 14 yr old who KNOWS about the surveillance state, security and all that, but who REALLY NEEDS one to stay in touch with his friends. And to top it all off, his bloody school just sent home a letter saying that they really want the kids to bring their OWN tech to school next year, instead of being furnished with crappy chromebooks.

I feel like saying, "Screw your tech. I want my kid to learn in a wi-fi free environment, so he's gonna be homeschooled now.... "

... but then I remember that I have wi-fi at home, and we're not about to give THAT up! That would waaaay too hard.

We toy with the idea of living in a faraday ain't easy. With two Little's I have no thoughts and meals are half done and we sing and read a lot. But I don't want them sucked in to technocracy!

@sgtreport, thank you for your reporting. I am new to Steemit. I upvoted and resteemed and will follow you. I am working to expose #GovChildTrafficking through CPS/unconstitutional family court system. I hope you will follow to receive updates on this form of child trafficking. Thank you!

@sgtreport did you see the connection with Hodgkinson and foster children?

Here is a voat post that digs into it:

Wow. I hope the traffickers in government end up in jail, or worse!

SteveScalise Rep. Steve Scalise tweeted @ 11 Jun 2015 - 13:07 UTC

It's the big day! Can you guess which Louisiana jersey I’ll be wearing at tonight’s Congressional Baseball Game? #tbt

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Yeah, not sure if this comment is helpful...

wow... what an unfortunate turn of algorithm...