Hate Attacks On Social Media: What law says & law enforcers do

in #news7 years ago

This is bad news for us.While a firestorm of protest and condemnation continues over the knife attack on Prof Muhammed Zafar Iqbal, a section of people are carrying out a virulent hate campaign against him on the social media.
Some of them in Facebook posts are even justifying the attack, branding him an "atheist" and "enemy of Islam". Some have hailed the stabbing and wished his death in comment sections of news portals.

Legal experts say these remarks are instigation of criminal offences and punishable under the existing laws.

But records of arrest for hate campaigns in online platforms are hard to come by. Instead, in many cases, police arrested bloggers and freethinkers for their posts that law enforcers believed “hurt people's religious sentiment”.

Police actions were really prompt when it came to anti-government writings online.

However, a top official of cyber security division of DMP said they have been working to track down those writing such posts against Prof Iqbal.