Hacker Returns 165 ETH (32 000 USD) to Hacked Adult Entertainment Platform SpankChain - Get's Rewarded With 5000 USD
On October 7th,
Anons stripped the E thereum based porn platform SpankChain of about 165 ethers. Their dev team, was busy with other things at the time, and had discovered the theft an hour later. The platform remains offline until the incident is cleared up.
“We got our ass kicked”
“Unfortunately, we were in the middle of an investigation into other Smart-Contract bugs, so we didn’t notice the hack until about 19:00 PST. We then immediately took Spank. Live offline to prevent further payments into the Payment Channel’s Smart Contract.”
A harsh blow for any project to go throuh. Wouldn't you say? It's not much money-wise but, still it was a massive blow to confidence of the SpankChain team and investors.
An investigation was in place which led to a very surprising end. One which I have never heard about before. SpankChain CEO Ameen Soleimani was able to reach an agreement with the anonymous hackers after speaking to them on the phone.
After the conversation, the hacker provided SpankChain with the private key to the address holding the stolen funds and then further helped the company retrieve around 4000 USD worth of funds that had been immobilized during the attack.
Congratulations, anonymous haxor!
Following the refund, the hacker was rewarded by SpankChain
With $5000 in ETH, along with refunding the capital used to initiate the attack - another 5.5 ETH . How nice, eh?
Whaat!?! That's unheard of. Or at least I haven't heard of a similar situation taking place.
Why has the hacker returned the funds and helped "unfreeze" the "frozen" funds, is a question we will probably never know the answer to.
Was he a white hat hacker? Only wanted to show SpankChain how easily they can be exploited? I don't know and we will most likely never find out.

It has to be a like you call it white hat hacker in my opinion, because I really do not see a other way of the CEO phoning with them. They most likely did not leave a number while hacking so they must have contacted them after the hack.
Exactly, but we can only assume that is the case but, will never know for sure. Just like many other events in the crypto space.
Maybe they figured it is a good way to get a job interview, hacker with longterm plans instead of a quick buck :)
hahaha could be :)