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RE: Kurdish Militias in Northeastern Syria Commit ISIS-like Atrocities in NE Syria (Part I)

in #news7 years ago

We know there has always been mistrust and bitterness by assyrians and syriac people against Kurds. However the way you portrait it, isn't the reality on the ground. Sootoro are pro-government assyrians/syriacs and sutoro are pro-kurdish. It's clear which side you'd be on. Your agenda is clearly to insight conflict and hate between YPG/YPJ (meaning Kurdish freedom fighters/humanists) and assyrians/syriacs.

You will not succeed. We do not have an ounce of hate against assyrians, syriacs or christians, even if a few of them still have bitterness against us (which I could comprehend given the history). If they chose independence in a fair piece of land of their own, I'd be in favor.

I'd trust this guy, more than I'd trust you, I took it from reddit ( :


And I trust on-the-ground sources more than I would trust you and random reddit users. I am reporting what is being told to me by Assyrians, Arameans, AND Kurds on the ground. Thanks for dropping by.

You're onesided, don't pretend otherwise. You report what suits your agenda. Anything pro-government and anti-YPG/YPJ. YPG/YPJ has done so much good, you focus only on any ounce of bad (no matter if there is a context behind it and irrelavent if it's flase) and you overexagrate it. You pointed out someone being arrested and call it kidnapping. You have bitterness in you, a Kurdish nation scares. You love having your own but deny Kurds their own. You have no understanding, no empathy, no humanity. Seriously please answer this, what would you do if you were a Kurd ? You would accept having your identity denied and language banned ? Would you accept not having a nation of your own ? All you have written proves that you wouldn't, because you do love your nation, you enjoy being a syrian, you love being a able to represent your country, you care about your language and flag. So why would we accept it ? It's just common sense.

Listen, I am not going to continue doing this with you and all of your fake accounts. To think that I have even an ounce of hate towards Kurds or any other ethnicity is ignorant and is a sign of projection of your hatred towards non-Kurds especially Syrians.

I have called out the crimes committed by many different armed factions in Syria, I expose their crimes, it's part of what I do. You are focusing on what pertains to you and taking personal offense to it. None of this is personal to me.

You can continue to hate me due to your incorrect interpretation of my work or you can open your eyes and see that I have written about many different aspects of this war.

Funny, and where have you written all the war crimes committed by the syrian army ?

You almost had me there.

Pros and Cons of Assyrians living in Kurdish territory?? That off the bat gives it away that a Kurd wrote this Reddit comment. It's not Kurdish territory under international law it's still part of Syria, being illegally managed by Kurdish administration and mafia's. It will be liberated of terrorists just like the rest of the country.

Sure kid.

Sarahabed, I agree with a lot you have to say but I don't believe classifying the Rojava governances as being "illegally managed" is proper. At the onset of this civil war, the SAA fled the northern Syrian villages. This forced groups such as the PKK to move into the region in order to liberate these villages from factions such as the FSA and ISIS. Now, several years later, the Kurds are asking to be a part of Syria as a federalized state. This is not illegal management, it is a natural and reasonable response to being left-for-dead from the Syrian government.