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RE: Millions United Worldwide To Clean Up The World In One Day

in #news6 years ago

This is out of this world! Perhaps I was hibernating but I don't recall any call to get involved here in South Africa where we need desperately need this! My highest commendation to all of those involved and took part. What I want to emphasize, however, is that it needn't progress to the degree that it invariably does; if all would do just their little each day, we would never reach that mire mound state. Well done and, let's try and make this a high priority precedent from hereon. Thank you. South Africa, take a leaf!!!


Thank you for a wonderful comment and your share of optimism!

Thanks for your encouragement pocketrocket. pocketrocket? Ha ha. just see you keep it low Brother!

It occurred to me last night, after having spent a few frustrating minutes trying to share some sage conversing with my half inebriated neighbour, how, after a few drinks, they appear to enter a 'higher plane of thought' to which only those of a similar level are able reach. Because, try as I may, I cannot, for the life of me, seem to understand what they are attempting to convey? It's as if they are speaking in a secret code which only those on a similar level or, degree, of 'mind height' can understand. I do speak half in jest as, thirty two years ago I too was one of them and so I do kind of understand and I do love them all fondly. It's just that, after 32 years of being a teetotaller, I battle to see what I used to get out of it? I do concede, however, that, when used in moderation, it can be appreciated and enjoyed. Can even be therapeutical but, I do so wish that all of those who abuse it-as I once did-would see the harm and destruction it can and does bring. I believe that the misuse/abuse of alcohol is responsible for more accidents, diseases, broken homes and marriages, lost jobs and opportunities, lost friends and loved ones as well as wars and misery, than all of the drugs and wars combined. And no, I am not punting for drugs and war, I use that only to show how destructive alcohol can be. Use it moderately and half of the world's problems would dissolve. I also know how unpopular this may make me with large segments of society-as well as the segments of the industry involved-I say to them: "tell someone who cares!" I ado still love them too. Ozzlove.

Thanks! Lets do it Steemit :-)

If we could only learn that 'prevention is better and, a lot easier, than cure, we will have won half the battle. But, when we try and broach the issue with those who need to be taught the most, it's as if the old 'primary kids wall' immediately comes up-"It's not me and so why should I?" or "Ag, it'll be back to the same by next month again so, what's the point?" It's ignorance and pride that are preventing them/us from advancing to that state of 'clear' or, nirvana to which the 'almost' innocent are trying to aspire to! It will take several generations of intense teaching before any credible progress is made in the battle for our earth. But, we daren't give up or slacken our stride-let's keep the sleeves rolled up and stay on it for, if we don't, we shall be held accountable. And this pertains or, applies, to practically everything on/within our 'village'. We have a serious litter problem and, rather than crying about it-as I used to-I now simply 'pikitup' and continue with my walk and then deposit it in the nearest waste disposal receptacle I come across. I am no hero but if we all could do these miniscule little good deeds each day, it may begin to grow exponentially, resulting in a cleaner, healthier environment for all. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness!"

Thanks for this. More like this!

Cleanliness is next to Godliness may be a little 'cliche'-ic' but, it's true! Begin with the small things and, as with most things in life, the big ones then begin to follow. The challenge is the changing of the 3rd world mindset to that of the 1st world one that most of us crave. It's extremely difficult to try to tell someone who has been and on their own doorstep for 400 years that that's not the way to do it. I am currently engaged in trying to teach an adult man that his pigs-even though they are only pigs-need water once in a while as well as a little shade from the scorching African sun. (They had absolutely no water or food for six days and then I took it upon myself to cart some water to them-I have never seen such relieved looking pigs before) Yes, I may be a bit of a radical but, rather that than a radical non-carer, I say! If we cannot understand that every creature has as much of a place and a right on this little globe/village as any other, then we still have a ways to go-as far as becoming responsible caretakers may be concerned. There never is any reason whatsoever to be cruel or-unkind even-to any form of life. Except possibly for ticks, fleas, flies, and mosquitoes! Gnats and leeches and suchlike could also qualify but, as far as the rest, I say-live and let live as much as possibly within your means to. We all shall be held accountable for that which we did, as well as for that which we did not. Ozzpel!

Thanks for your emotional answer. As you said we are all acountable for clean environment.