Timing is everything

in #news9 years ago (edited)

The fire rages in front of me. I can feel the heat on my body, my clothes feel hot on my skin. I think "this energy is intense". Rhythmic sounds of my voice chanting "puma puma" fill my head. My bare feet touch the burning embers of the fire walk for the first time. I feel red hot embers seer in to my flesh. A small voice on the back of my mind says "ouch", however that is quickly over powered by pure intent to move forward. “Into the unknown” I tell myself. I better start moving quickly, the embers are more than ankle high. I keep chanting "puma puma" remembering the elders words. "When your spirit energy rises above the energy of the fire. The fire will not burn you". I stop for a brief moment to thank the fire and bask in the light. Within seconds the experience is over.

I remember these feelings as I place my first buy order for bitcoin on VirWoX. It seemed like Bitcoin was a wreck, Mt.GOX was just hacked, and Mark Karpels in hiding. I knew Mt.Gox was not bitcoin and that the cryptographic block chain was still pristine. I finally "got it". What the block chain is. I had used Karma coins for gaming for more than a year. It never really clicked, the difference between Bitcoin and Karma Coin. The block chain you know. "Timing is everything" I tell myself and click buy.

"They are selling their future, out of fear". Previously $550.00 dollar bitcoins are selling for $200.00 US dollars. "Bitcoin is invincible" I assure myself. "In cryptography I trust". I send a "thank you" message to the seller, and transfer my new bitcoin to my multibit wallet.

I could not login to my Cryptsy account fast enough. "Dig dig faster faster! dig dig faster faster! dig dig faster faster!" Dark Coin miners sing. Bitcoin to Dark Coin, "it was all worth it!" The trip to VirWoX, the "you can have them" reply, the negatively toward bitcoin.
Within days Dark Coins worth went from pennies to dollars. For some people every $0.10 cents became worth more than $15.00 US dollars. I think "It is time to mine bitcoins.

" Easy how simple buying a laptop and script-miner are with Bitcoin in a multibit wallet. Within days the Dell laptop and script miner arrived at my house. I start mining with Clever mining guild immediately. Funny how that one “buy” order a couple months ago turned into a laptop, a script miner, hundreds of dollars worth of Dark Coins, and a couple more mined bitcoins. Timing is everything.

July 2016, The block-chain just halved bitcoin is stable. The majority of bitcoins are in circulation. Companies in the future lets say 15 years from now. Jan 2030 companies will be competing for 3 bitcoins per block-chain reward payouts. Each bitcoin value being worth over $300,000,000.00 (300 hundred million) dollars each. In the next 4 years by January 2020 we will see bitcoins over $300,000.00 dollars. This is under the current market conditions. I base this on mathematical geometric progression. This is what bitcoin has proven. The timing is now.

Welcome to Bitcoin, let me know if you have any comments or questions.
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Have a fantastic day.


Simply Great Information and Presentation