Is E. Macron want the chaos?

in #news5 years ago


Since the beginning of the conflict, six months ago E. Macron has never listened to the Yellow Vests and 72% of the French population that support the movement. At the really beginning, the Yellow Vests have taken the street to fight the oil taxes, the cost of living compared to salaries, and the reduction of retirement pensions. Today, six months later the oil taxes have been implemented and it cost even more than what it was supposed, the cost of living is even more expensive and the retirement pensions are lower. E. Macron and his government have never shown a sign of understanding and in many cases, they keep pushing in the opposite direction. This kind of behaviors from the government gives the sensation that if they were working at increase hatred against them, they will do the exact same things, it really seems like they want the French people to start a new revolution. Maybe E. Macron already knows that his political career is done as he will never get elected anymore. He is the most unpopular French President ever, with 17 of his ministers and close collaborators have quit since the Yellow Vests started, all the critics from other countries leader and many human rights organizations asking him to stop the violence, he keeps adding more problems and his reputation is likely the one of a dictatorship.

After, one of the violent response from the Yellow Vest during the first 2 months, E. Macron has decided to organize a "national debate" for two months during he has been to many towns where he has met people (very selected people) to debate about the current country problems. The entire debate has been aired on TV and it was likely a monologue of Macron sometimes for 7 hours non stop, we all know that he is a good speaker and love to make the show. Two times only a handful of "Yellow Vests" have been invited to debate but no one knows where they come from as they were never been seen on a demonstration, probably some actors paid to give the illusion of debate. For two months the "National Debate Circus" has been all around France for a fake show with a big backup from the mainstream media telling how clever and intelligent is the President and how lucky the people of France are to have a President listening to them. Most of the people are not blind and many were saying that the debate is just a show made for Macron European campaign, only Macron supporters can believe in it and everybody was saying that nothing will come out of it.

Two days ago, was the day of the announcement by the President and most of the French people were waiting for it, not for listening for some life-changing announcement but just find out if they were right when saying nothing will go out of this debate that has cost more then 10 million Euros. E. Macron, same as usual, equal to himself, using the first person a lot, contemptuous to the common person, and using the elements of language to say everything and its opposite, has made the final show. The entire debate that has lasted two months and was said to be the solution for going out of the social crisis can be summarized in one sentence. "I have listened to you and I was right this is why I will continue the same political project and reforms", no this is not a joke! Nobody was waiting for something but the way it has been said and the arrogance of E. Macron have sure added some fire to the long burning fire of the Yellow Vests and may have even made more people joining the Yellow club. During the talk, he has said that he will be stronger against the Yellow Vests because they are like a terrorist and want to bring down the country. About the R.I.C. (referendum initiated by citizen) that give the right for people to vote for laws and decisions, he has said "No! I think it is against the representative power" this can be another joke as of course, it is exactly why people want it so much, they are tired of the representative system where you vote once every 5 years for someone that will do exactly the opposite then what he said during the election campaign. About mass immigration and Frexit, not a word as it is sacred ground for him. This E. Macron is keeping adding fire and I am not sure he really understands that some have lost their head in the past and he may have to face the same destiny if keep walking on the people heads. We will see soon the result in the streets.



Long time, no updates of the situation!
Too quiet!

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I will do an update tomorrow, I was busy lately but sure many things still happening.

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