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RE: Supreme Court Rules Cops Can Kill Non-Threatening People As Long As They Say They Were Scared

in #news6 years ago

Now what could possibly go wrong here??? Given that police academies are teaching an adversarial approach to law enforcement (an officer friend told me), an Us vs Them mentality, I can only see this escalating. I had an officer pull me over to inform me a brake light was out... with his gun drawn! I guess I was lucky.


This is the shoe in of real police state control.

Scary as F***!

The whole narrative makes no logical sense... How can you be scared of a non-threatening person???

..yeah but imagine if they became threatening in the future!

Shooting now just makes sense.....that kind of logic, perhaps?

Yeah... ya just never know!

exactly, and in theory, they are suppose to be the ones who are choosing to take a risky job, you would think the training would encourage them to have some fortitude, but as you said, it is an US VS THEM mentality, where non-government lives are seen as less important

I'm old and remember the "cop on the beat," mostly good guys you could count on in a pinch. The only worry you had was if you were really doing something wrong (which unfortunately I usually was). Even during the tumultuous 60's the cops were just guys doing their jobs. Now they look for radical nut cases- guys coming back from the middle east not wrapped too tight. These are the guys that are easy to program. Tavistock made a science out of using PTSD as a mind control tool... anyway this is a comment, not a blog! I really appreciate your work!

Thank you Rich, you always have great insight to bring to the discussion. Keep up the great work on your articles as well!

Thank you!

what state did that happen in?

That's fucked up, were you in a sketchy neighborhood or something?