
You are absolutly right. It is pure propaganda and riding the anti trump wave to get more clients/ make yourself a name. It's not that easy to fire the nuclear weapons. it's not like the president alsone has to push the red button and boom.

There is so much going on that I get confused and anxious, that's when I know I'm working with a bad argument full of fallacies.

This is why I am a political atheist.

political atheism is a march toward the death of a nation

When everything is politicized the nation is already dead.

there is still a pulse
but major med is needed to save
will take a miracle because of the 100+ year plan the progressives have worked against conservative apathy and or chaos instead of banding & planning in response

Live is to short for anxiety and confusion. You need to focus on life and if you want to change something engage in poltics, run for president, get famous and run for president than 48.gif , fear has never changed anything for the good. Sorry i didn't want to sound smart-alecky.

Politics is too serious a matter to be left to politicians ;-)

Feelings and emotions come in handy when one does not react blindly to what is making one feel uncomfortable. Following the uncomfortable sensations to their source leads one on an interesting journey.

But this is what I am talking about when people start diagnosing others for mental problems just off the cuff, especially when viewing them through the lens of corporate media...

In the twenty-first century, discoveries about how the brain works has been a leap in understanding of psychology and human behavior.

• People are motivated to accept accounts that fit with their preexisting convictions; acceptance of those accounts makes them feel better, and acceptance of competing claims makes them feel worse.

• Dissonance is eliminated when we blind ourselves to contradictory propositions. And we are prepared to pay a very high price to preserve our most cherished ideas.

• Moral hypocrisy is a deep part of our nature: the tendency to judge others more harshly for some moral infraction than we judge ourselves.

• Groupthink leads to many problems of defective decision making, including incomplete survey of alternatives and objectives, failure to examine the risks of the preferred choice, poor information search, selective bias in processing information, and failure to assess alternatives.

• We are often confident even when we are wrong.… Declarations of high confidence mainly tell you that an individual has constructed a coherent story in his mind, not necessarily that the story is true.

• Certain beliefs are so important for a society or group that they become part of how you prove your identity.… The truth is that our minds just aren’t set up to be changed by mere evidence.

The Brothers -- John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and their secret world war
by Stephen Kinzer

The same way N Korea does, stalin and hitler did, obama/cliton/progressive secular humanism wants, and MSNBC et al promote

I agree, all my warning signals go off when I watch any kind of news no matter what political bias....

There is a documentary I watch called the Hypernormalization, I keep thinking about this theory whenever I watch corporate media. Russia did this to it's citizens and our government through the NDAA back in 2012 allowing our media to lie to the public through government sanctioned propaganda.