in #news7 years ago (edited)


Engineer student has die by Shark attack. There’re several shark attacks reported every year. The apparent Shark has kill the U.S. young boy. Sometimes people crossed safety zone gets these kinda accidents. The Shark was swimming in that ares where the boy was killed by the fish. In many cases it’s found that shark got too close to shoreline. 30 Meter far from shore the fish has attacked on the boy.

The TIME MAGAZINE is bought for 190 dollar m. It’s one of famous magazine in the world.


The storm has destroyed the people houses and afraid from this accident is done by the nature. From China to Philippines there’s impacts of storm. IN Philippines 59 people are die. While China rivers also in flood. The Philippines is an city where the people are die. The Storm is not only in china but it's in different -different countries. Even USA also getting hurricanes. In China four people are in death zone by this storm.

2.5 million people has evacuated for their houses. The rescues team is helping the people who are trapped in the mud. The old record of China rainfall i.e. 24.06" and the new of rainfall is 33.89". People houses are Sink from ground flour to Shed of houses rain has come. The whole country is disturbed that what the nature has done. While it's an bad news for the world. The government should be taken the step suddenly.

Fabricate Story

Adwoa Lewis is only 19. She is an teenagers and she claiming that four teenagers confronted her yelling. Now social media is great driving force for teenagers. They are ready to make any fabrication of stories to get popular. THE women is telling the fake story about the President Donald Trump related crime hate said by the policeman.

Lewis was arrested by the police charged of putting forth a false culpable composed proclamation following a "broad examination" into her cases she made not long ago. It’s a wrong trend getting in fashion among youngsters. Adwoa Lewis has accepted that I'm telling lie and She agree to appear in court on 24, September. It’s needed to mend this kinda trends in young people. Letter was written by Adowa Lewis was wrong. After investigation truth get into the light.

Today's News Summary

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The Chines government are doing their best for their affected citizens, they should keep it up