Russia going to an alternative to the SWIFT system pt3

in #news7 years ago

The final part in this "Russia going to an alternative to the SWIFT system" is the speculations. Since I look more at the energetics of things and not at the actual finances.. I get to play with some questions, others do not seem to be looking at..

I had a really difficult time writing this part because there is such non-clarity. The presented options seem to be somewhere between people talking from with the existing system and having a vested interest in perpetuating the financial system as its known (and yes there are some very intelligent people looking at this system).. And on the other hand an ungrounded New Age view of the Galactic’s are going to make it better (which I am not discounting Galactic's showing up at all).

Its not a questions of moving to a new financial system,, that’s already in play. There are many layers to finance that are going on with these systems. That are way outside the understanding or experience of anyone who is reading these posts. Just because you would need to have direct experience of such matters in those layers, and be an integrated initiate. The question most who are watching this play out is this:

Is the new financial system stepping into something new (IE: The first part of stepping in to something unknown, or out of 3D as many call it type narrative).
Or is it a recycle of the old system (IE: Going into Blade Runner or any other number of Dystopian type narratives)..

No one really knows how any of this is going to play out. Which makes the popcorn businesses very, very happy….!

I have a few ideas and there are some really huge and fun places to play with speculation and narrative of possibilities..

I don’t think any Cryptocurrencies are the be all and end all solution. In fact one of the huge hurdles is people in Crypto world have done a transference between Fiat to Crypto’s (the regular stuff and all alt coins). Its projecting that the fiat and cryptos have value in the first place. When the only reason for something like money is a vehicle or tool to facilitate exchange. And all Crypto’s are a new version of what exchange is in the first place..

Its the Blockchain that is the real changer and from what I see it is the non-securities that will be the real driving forward piece of evolving new financial systems. Thats when the Cryptocurrncies will really take off,, playing from the non-securities because they will have a specific purpose in the systems of exchange.

Even the Blockchain is a temp step forward, because much better systems will come out of this..

What is known and is being shown more and more is the old control systems can no longer exist or support themselves.. These systems foundationally rely on people to buy into them in a way that the people do not evolve.. With all the information coming to the surface, people as a whole are waking up fast and becoming aware to one degree or another. Which further distances the control systems to have effect..

Just looking at some recent events mentioned gives this some credence. Why the Rothchilds would sell their huge hunting lodge in the black forest for fire sale prices. Or why the Chinese are in fast liquidation of US capitol. OR why all the stuff we are seeing in the Q posts is coming up,, because the controllers money is no longer good (a main factor being they can no longer buy the silence of people who know things).

With events like Russia announcing they are moving away from the SWIFT system to a new type of system. There is no way to know if it is a moving forward or a recycle of the old system.. The only option at this point is to take a step forward, and see who is stepping forward with you.. It is interesting times that are happening here and now.

So one of the best things at this point is laid out in this article that: Banks don’t take deposits. Banks don’t lend money.

In this video is the system as it is, here and now.. So how do people move from here to where they envision themselves being. The article has an embedded video that in 3 minutes gives the most direct break down of this topic I have found..

More is coming up on the radar.. Enjoy..!!!


Great video explanation, the long-term plan is to go for a cashless society - crypto is part of that plan - when all fiat is removed from circulation, and they control who accepts crypto as payment, then they can drop the interest rates negative. They will slowly take all your savings and crypto will by highly taxed when used for transactions. they win...

I think it might be closer than people think.

Wow, after watching the explanation I want to go live on a deserted island and grow my own food. Just kidding, I've always wanted to do that :) Seriously though, it makes one think hard about the so-called fiat 'savings' and what to do. Thanks, very informative!