Liberally Losing It - ICE Hate, Garbage Talk, Population Control Fantasy

in #news6 years ago


Another day dawns, the planet turns and useful idiots the country over wake up and start their agenda of stupidity. What is on tap for our gang of liberal loons? Join me, and find out!

(Names changed to protect the ignorant.)

GilipollasGrande - Did you see that shit with the ICE nazis in Minnesota that I linked last night? Because I want you to find them and punch them

According to progressives, anyone who enforces borders and national security is a "nazi". This is the level of discourse you're dealing with here. No debate, just hysterics.

GilipollasGrande - Those ICE agents should have been beaten to death in self-defense

Be careful what you wish for. The universe has a way of exacting its pound of flesh from people who promote violence and death.

GilipollasGrande - sarah sanders is a garbage piece of shit.

What does that make you? Oh right, a panic-stricken proggie that can't think straight. Every answer is "punch this, kill that". And this guy has a full-time job. Amazing. You never know the psychos that are walking around an office.

LividLimpwrist - People are so weird about the pointless politics they get into

And none more weirder than you, Limpwrist. At this point you might as well replace it with 1984's "Two Minutes Hate". This guy is going to have a heart attack over this stupidity, guaranteed.

DoubleDunce - I approve of the central message of forced population control, though a one-time cull is a pretty silly solution. some kind of ongoing fertility blocking bioweapon would be better

What. The. Hell. How are these people even remotely able to function with all of these desires to rule over other people's free will? Its like watching the starting class of Dictator Training School.

Until next time...

(If you're confused what this is all about, read this introduction - Link )