THE NWO LGBT AGENDA TO MAKE YOU A CRIMINAL - with Dan Dicks (By @sgtreport)

in #news7 years ago


Canadians are screwed with Bill C-16 and Bill 89

if they become law! Both these bills are now moving onto what's called "Royal Assent" meaning this could soon become a harsh reality for Canadians!
In the lead up to the Global Pride Parade I discovered that one day wasn't quite enough for the LGBTQ++ community, in fact it was pride MONTH!

In this video

Sean of SGT Report @sgtreport asks me about my interviews at Vancouver's East Side Pride rally where I questioned the attendees about their views on these controversial bills.

"It's hard to believe that in this day and age, science and biology are taking a back seat to sjw ideology all with the hopes of remaining politically correct." - Dan Dicks

Watch the original Vancouver Pride rally here:


Great video , thanks!

Look at it this way: M-103 by the nature of where this motion is leading; it contradicts C-16 and 89.
What happens when a Muslim can't criticize LGBT (because it is religiously wrong) and LGBT can't criticize a Muslim because of Islamophobia.
I'm not sure Trudeau is paying attention to the ramifications of religion vs lifestyle.

So I've done a little more reading and had a discussion with someone who is far more knowledgeable of what means what.
A motion (as M-103); is merely a statement of thought. If it doesn't become a Bill it will not become a law.

The 2 bills on the other hand (C-16 and 89) are a step away from becoming law. Hopefully, as written, they are not passed.

If C-16 passes, I can not be discriminated against by referring to everyone as "it".
A person is a human; human is a noun; a noun is an 'it'.
If an 'it' wants to be identified as an "attack helicopter", then an attack helicopter is a noun; a noun is an 'it'; therefore everyone becomes an 'it' for the pronoun game.

When the deep state infiltrates the governments then perversions of the demonic come into law. What's next? Pedogate becomes ok? Being ok with people drinking blood of kids after torturing them for the adrenaline in their blood? That is what the deep state are into. They want to go against the will of God. Let's get them for their pedogate activities.

Choose what you like but don't push your beliefs on me.
I don't push my beliefs on anyone.
This is massive guberment (mind-control) over-reach.
This trudeau group has nothing to offer but controversy and division.

It is kind of strange how there can never be any middle ground. Once things start to go another way, it seems that people feel compelled to constantly push them until they become abusive as well. I feel bad for the people of Canada, and I think it will be a long time to unwind this tragedy, but I also don't think they will be the last victims of this extremism.

When is the madness gonna end?

Bill 89 will allow the government to take YOUR kids away from you if ever they believe that you are suppressing their sexual identity — 1984 anyone?

Let's see what effect Bill C-16 and Bill 89 will have and how Canadians will react to it.

OMG, my PM is a dumbass! Im leaving this country and moving south, can I go to the USA? maybe Ill just keep going and head to Mexico or more south

This is very interesting. In Kenya we don't even have gay rights,homophobia is at its peak. Yet in Canada u are passing bills about pronouns him/her and she/he. Ironic. When u look at both sides u see reasons for and against these bills. For example it is very demeaning if u had to call a lady as a he (Caitlyn Jenner). Then on the other hand it is a fact that person used to be a he. So by criminalizing this u are curtailing my freedom of speech? This is so complicated.. I don't know if those bills should be ascended to or what the way forward should be.Thanks for sharing though.