PFT Live - Q&A Steemit/Patreon

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Live Q&A with Press For Truth get your questions in the comment section below!

Hello my beautiful steemian friends I hope you're all enjoying your day! As of the posting of this post I am live on Youtube, get your questions in below and I'll read and answer them on air ;)

Tune in here

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Wow! Huge respect for playing guitar live on video, cool live broadcast, informative chat, +1, upvoted, resteemed ;-)

Hi Dan. First of all, please if you can, give a cheeky plug for @minnowmentor, an altruistic Steemit programme to help minnows.

Ok, here's my question. The globalist psychopaths aren't going to go down without a fight. They are clearly losing their grip, both on people (and reality), and I would like to ask you what you suggest for ordinary people, what they can do to resist them, without resorting to violence (which they will always beat you at cos they have the biggest weapons), and without being fearful.

THanks Dan, Great work as always, and watching now.

steemit seems like a good place to start ;)

Indeed you are correct -
The banking's grip on finance is not suddenly going to raise its hands, and say 'Yeah, ok, we give up', we don't want total control of the worlds money anymore'

This is my one concern on crypto. They do not play by any rule book, that they haven't written...

I am not sure what 'their' move will be. I ma sure there will be one.
War and bringing down the net? War maybe, the net, doubt it.

And I'm not sure war will even achieve their aims, anymore, like it has done in the past. (to reset, and restructure to their advantage....

As for fighting them, there is only one way (in my opinion) - starve them of their lifeblood. Stop paying taxes?
There are ways to do it ( or so I have heard :) ).

If you are fighting and not fearful, you are not really fighting. Just virtue signalling. - or you are psychopath yourself ! lol
It can be painful and reduce your income. Having less income now and being alive later is a better alternative than being dead later.(literally, or zombification- it's all the same to me )

This action now is infinitely less painful than the alternatives.
Whether this can gain enough traction to be government breaking , central bank collapsing ....
population numbers, I mean, is another question entirely

The alternative to NOT taking this action, is not a good one. Every day these institutions are not brought to account, is another nail in, all our coffins.

Good post, btw !

Awesome insight on the question asked. I think both the question and answer are valuable. I've also heard of "legal" ways around taxes, but it would take something to trigger such a movement and than a strong, non politcally affiliated leader to emerge and shoe people how to achieve this and why it's important. It's always been super interesting for me to look at things and try to estimate where the world will be down the road. Thanks for getting my brain working early this morning!

Where did the beach ball incident happen? I know it was van, but where?

Seriously hope we can jam sometime.

Question One: what developments are in the pipeline for Dtube because it definitely needs to be upgraded

Question Two: Are there plans for Dtube to go mainstream because the market is crying out for a platform to rival Youtube and Dtube appears to be primed and (almost) ready

Question- Do you grow any of your own food?

Hey Dan! Thanks for doing this. Any plans to do any collabs with James Corbett coming up?

Why you don't set merchandise rewards for a pledges on Patreon (t-shirts, etc.)? You think it's useless waste of time and patreons money?

Is there any need in some kind of "cryptocurrency" Patreon?

I would like to know the true meaning of life?

my question is What is the definition of truth