Groping Allegations Against Feminist Fraudster Justin Trudeau

Canada’s most notorious sjw/feminist Justin Trudeau (who just so happens to be the prime minister of Canada)
is in the news again with relation to the #metoo movement only this time the finger is being pointed at him! News has resurfaced regrading a woman who claimed that she was groped by Trudeau 18 years ago while at a music festival at the Kokanee Summit in Creston, B.C.
"I've been reflecting very carefully on what I remember from that incident almost 20 years ago and again, I am ... I feel I am confident that I did not act inappropriately" says Trudeau…
On Thursday
Trudeau said that while he is confident he did not do anything wrong, he acknowledged that the woman in question may not see it that way.
"Part of this awakening we're having as a society, a long awaited realization, is that it's not just one side of the story that matters," he said. "That the same interactions can be experienced very differently from one person to the next.
In this video
Leigh Stuart of Press For Truth examines the latest accusations of sexual misconduct against prime minister Justin Trudeau as well as what his reaction has been.
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We wonder what Justin Trudeau's wife thinks of his secret Freemason satanic sex parties a la Eyes Wide Shut?
Off topic, this video needs MAJOR MAJOR PUBLICITY!!!