DTube - LEGALIZATION Of Cannabis In Canada Leads To DRACONIAN Driving Laws! Bill C-46 EXPOSED!

in #news7 years ago

Δράκων, Drakōn aka Draco of the 7th century BC, Athens, Ancient Greece

was requested by the Athenian citizens to be a lawgiver for the city-state…they democratically elected him to be their lawgiver and what they got was something far more harsh and brutal than they anticipated…

this is what happens

when you trust the government to govern you…Asking for Justin Trudeau to be the guy who will write the law that makes it legal for you to interact with a certain plant has proven to have brought us back full circle to the time of Draco in Ancient Greece as Bill C45 and C46 have been tabled by the Liberals outlining their plan for the “legalization” of cannabis in Canada.

In this video

Leigh Stuart of Press For Truth breaks down the draconian C46 Driving laws that will come into effect the moment cannabis becomes federally “legal” for recreational use in Canada.

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▶️ DTube

autonomous driving will negate all these draconian measures against drivers

For medical purposes there is Marihuana without THC.

Thank you for exposing "legaLIEsation" for what it really is!

Yeah you guys nailed it here. Legalization was a lie all along.

Yeah you guys nailed it
Here. Legalization was
A lie all along.

                 - drutter

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Same with Washington. Makes all Medical marijuana users criminals...

Submitting this for curation.

Would. Love for you to come join the @canna-curate team!

We have people delegated steempower or following our curation trail!

Thanks for the support for cannabis!

Make nature legal!

As the rest of the world soften their drug laws, Australia is heading the opposite direction.

Roadside drug testing began in Victoria in 2014 and is now across the country. Tests are not only conducted via booze/ drug buses but from marked and unmarked patrol cars, police motorcycles and mobile intercepts. Hundreds of drivers have tested positive for marijuana despite almost two weeks after taking the drug. Some say they have even been punished after inhaling passive smoke, eating hemp seeds or rubbing hemp balm on their skin — which is perfectly legal.

Sydney last month over 150 people were denied entry to a music festival despite not carrying any drugs. If sniffer dogs “indicated” someone was carrying drugs, regardless of whether police actually found any drugs on them, they were denied entry.

Cannabis possession has been decriminalised in South Australia since 1987, newly elected conservative government is about to make the penalty for possession of marijuana the same as for heroin with fines up to $2000 and 2yrs prison. They justify this from a murder in 2012 when an 18yr old shot and killed a 17yr old. The shooter was drunk, on ecstasy and had smoked cannabis that day. Despite the coroner reporting the police missed multiple opportunities to prevent the shooting, cannabis is at fault.

I am not sure about this one. If a cyclist don't wear a helmet, police can choose not to issue a ticket as they are endangering themselves but DUI drivers are endangering others as well...
So where should the line be drawn? Not doing roadside check then how to discourage DUI idiots, what is the dis-incentive? Besides whatever penalty placed on the DUI offender after the fact won't bring back the life or lost limb of victims....

A lot of rhetoric without a whole lot of information. Any responsible user knows operating a vehicle while under the influence is idiotic. Their job is to keep people safe on the road, and she said it in her last statement, while science is improving, tolerance should be zero, and damn right. I support people's right to choose to put whatever they wish into their own body, but I also work in EMS, and have seen a countless number of times the effect weed has on people's ability to operate vehicles.