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RE: The Moral Collapse of America (New Episode of Redacted Tonight)

in #news7 years ago

Part of me is happy they are so Orwellian. If they at least tried to maintain the illusion that our interests are being served or that the system was uncorrupted, they might be able to continue this for profit system going for centuries longer. If the US had cutting edge infrastructure, education, and health care, the American public would likely be apathetic.

Instead, they have let our situation deteriorate to the point where we have historic inequality, incarceration, surveillance state, global militarism, and police brutality. This reluctance, if not outright refusal, to "throw the public a bone" in the form of some legislation in our interest, e.g. Medicare for All, ending drug war, free public college, etc, only makes their dereliction and corruption that much more pronounced.

I think this absolute failure of governing, combined with their ruthless greed, will only hasten the transition to open source, decentralized systems that are receptive to the needs of our species.

TL;DR The Oligarchs greed and propensity to ignore the public's needs are ultimately a good thing that hasten the old system's demise and the transition to better systems.