The TIAR, the war of Guaidog .

in #news6 years ago


The extreme right, with its customary irresponsibility, aims to banalize and minimize the serious precedent that has been generated with the activation and application, against Venezuela, of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR). Leaving the door open to the group of warlike warriors who are more than eager to put together an army of annihilation ("humanitarian aid" they call it) to bomb and invade our country.

It is all the fault of Guaidog and his neo-fascist Popular Will party. They act as stateless persons, as brazen mercenaries in the service of foreign powers, not caring at all that our people are devastated by a bloody civil war or are another victim of the “preventive” military invasions that end in the annihilation of all life forms , very close to the apocalypse.

Olympically ignores this fascist opposition right, that the "intelligent" American bombs, are specialists in killing innocent people, falling accurately on hospitals, schools, homes, and any other objective of the unbridled American intelligence .

There are dozens of samples in their cases of recurring human rights violations and war crimes committed against civilians in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya. Atrocities that in 100% of cases go unpunished to justice for the "immunity" possessed by the invading troops with the consent of the puppet presidents imposed by the United States. People like Guaidó , who rule hidden in a bunker or miles away from the real center of power.

The TIAR "is an inter-American mutual defense pact" dating from 1947, at the dawn of the Cold War, once the confrontations of World War II have ended. It is supervised by the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States.

The activation of the TIAR has been sold by the "advisors" of Guaidog as another of its great liberating panaceas. Another Chilean package. Another irrelevant promise. And it is that the treaty expressly states that it is "destined to prevent and repress threats and acts of aggression against any of the countries of America", it is eminently an agreement for the defense and protection of its members against foreign threats. He also points out (hives for Guaidog ) that he will ensure the “peaceful resolution of his controversies”. However, these terms are not compatible with the warrior logic and the blood cravings of the continental right, conspired with the United States to attack us.

Article 1 of the treaty states that members "are obliged in their international relations not to resort to the threat or use of force in any manner incompatible with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations or of this Treaty." It is clearly forbidden that a handful of countries, such as neighborhood guapetones, are harassing and threatening a sovereign country. The expected assumptions of an "armed attack" or an "invasion" have not occurred to date, as indicated in article 9 of the treaty. Venezuela in its history has only left its borders to shed its blood in the effort to free neighboring countries from the colonial yoke that oppressed them.

The treaty states that "the necessary measures to restore or maintain inter-American peace and security, and for the resolution of the conflict by peaceful means" must be taken. However, from Washington DC, a small group of OAS members (11 crawling countries), persist in their crusade of aggression against Venezuela. Always with his poisoned verb and wielding the ax of war. No peace, respect for sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.

These threats of military aggression reopen the deep wounds of many Latin American peoples who were victims of US invasions and aggressions in the name of freedom. Just remember the hundreds of deaths of the invasion of Granada (1983) and the massacre of El Chorrillo in Panama (1989); or the financing of the CIA to the mercenaries Cons in Nicaragua (1980-1991). All war crimes that are still unpunished.

Alfred de Zayas, the independent expert of the United Nations for the promotion of democracy and equity, said with certainty: “The idea of invoking Tiar against Venezuela constitutes a threat to peace and is incompatible with the mediation of the Secretary General of the United Nations and support for Human Rights. ” Respect, peace and cooperation should be the main objectives of the bellicose members of the OAS. They only act like Dogs of War.

The patriots unite against the imperial threat and stateless actions of their miserable lackeys. This is another error on the right, which will stumble again with the mobilization of the people, always active to defeat the warless plans of the stateless right .