Chile also on fire .
Chile burns right now. His enraged people are protesting defiantly in the streets of the main cities of the country. The "impolute" right-wing government shudders, cannot hide the chaos and the magnitude of popular outrage.
The international organizations, with the OAS at the helm, the Lima Cartel and the White House mutis in the face of state repression (as with Ecuador). The double standard is evident. There is a "sensitivity" to react quickly and relentlessly to progressive and revolutionary countries. But before their peers, they are silent and complicit in excesses and excesses.
Chile is on fire motivated by the neoliberal logic of pauperizing the working mass to favor large corporations. Esquilmar to the people with low wages but applying at discretion all possible price increases in essential services. The candle was lit by students and workers upset by the increase in Metro prices to 1.2 dollars, a value that exceeds those of countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. The protest began with the slogan "Mass Evasion", where students and disgruntled workers began to enter the Metro without paying the ticket, skipping the turnstiles.
This is not everything. The inconvenience had been accumulating for years. In addition to the increase in Metro prices, the Chilean people have suffered a steady increase in basic services such as gas, electricity, gasoline and rail. Health institutions are almost entirely private, with high prices that limit access, indebting citizens every time they get sick or require medicines, mainly due to low insurance coverage. The education system also goes through the same standard of being a mostly private and highly expensive service.
The pension system remains untouched since the Pinochet era. A round business for Pension Fund Administrators (AFPs) that generate millions of dollars in profits for corporations, but that oppress pensioners (considered client-contributors) with the majority of pensions below the minimum wage. This is a recurring moral debt of Chile to its homeless older adults. We talk about more than 5,500,000 contributors who are under the predatory jaws of 6 powerful and monopolistic AFPs, whose profits exceeded only 480 million dollars in 2017.
At the cry of "enough of abuse" the Chilean people took to the streets to express outrage at their precarious economic conditions. The response of the "democratic" right-wing government of Sebastián Piñera, was to authorize repression by police and military forces. The latter had never happened since the end of the bloodthirsty genocidal neo-fascist dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990).
The partial result, 11 dead and dozens of injuries caused by the actions of the war weapons of the police and military forces deployed after Piñera decreed the "State of Emergency", thus authorizing the "restriction on freedom of locomotion and meeting for a period of 15 days ”. There are already more than 1,400 detainees. Piñera delegated control of public order operations in the Chilean Army. He appointed General Iturriaga head of the National Defense, and this soldier was in charge of announcing to the population the application of the “Touch of Remaining” to contain the protesters. Obviously they are licensed to shoot at discretion.
The repudiation was immediate. Chileans have the infamous Pinochet dictatorship on their skin. Faced with this situation, and bravely, "Dozens of demonstrators surrounded the tanks and some of them shot the military personnel photographs of detainees disappeared during the past dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet." The memory of a people is implacable.
While the large conservative media allied to the government remain silent in the face of excessive repression and arbitrary detentions, alternative media and citizens have documented the heinous acts that are happening in the main Chilean cities: murders of the Mansalva by the Army. These are the images that go around the world. Including a dose of fires against the despicable newspaper El Mercurio, which, as will be recalled, received “undercover financing” from the CIA to actively participate in the media smear campaign to create the conditions that would facilitate the organized coup against the President Martyr Salvador Allende.
Faced with popular fury, Piñera was forced to step back. With his tail between his legs, like Lenin Moreno, he muttered with doubtful humility: "I want to announce today that we are going to suspend the rise in the subway passages." A small palliative. But he was wrong to accuse the people, instead of listening to him. His chronic myopia allowed him to say with astonishing tranquility: "we are at war against a powerful enemy." This clumsiness of criminalizing the people will cause more blood and destruction".
The Chilean people will continue in the streets fighting for all their social demands, for equity and social justice. Will the blatant imperial pawns of the OAS remain blind, deaf and mute? Hello Almagro, Hello.
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