My jury duty story

in #news7 years ago

Ok so...For the last two weeks I have been on Jury Duty. The trial is over and the verdict is in. Here is the story!!! I'll probably use crude words here, because that's how I am. It'll also probably be a long story....grab a coffee, beer or joint and sit back. :)

Fucking Jury Duty.....That was my thought. I didn't want to do it, really...They can't pay me enough this close to Christmas. I'm pretty much anti government, anti law enforcement blah, blah blah ETC.

The judge is reading the names of those picked...out of about 130 people they picked 14...Last name he read out....Christoper Willis....Oh man!!!!!

A case where a man is accused of two counts of criminal sexual penetration of HIS WIFE. First count, he had sex with her against her will, second count...he fucked her with a screwdriver(the sharp end).

Opening arguments, I went into this case wrong, let me get this out there. I thought, oh man...he's guilty. I don't know why, but I REALLY wanted to believe the woman here with everything that has been going on, I didn't want this victim on my hands. Prosecutor tells the story, a pretty elaborate story it was. These two were married since 2011. She had many supposed medical ailments, from Crohn's Disease, bi polar, fistula from her anal cavity to vaginal cavity, cancer(which she didn't have) anyhow......Second child is born premature Mom is in Ronald Mcdonald House, baby is in NICU for 10 weeks. They're finally released come back to the local area here and because of some medical equipment the baby needs mom stays with her parents for several weeks after that because of electrical issues in the apartment her and her husband share. She moves back to the apartment on 10/9/15. On that night, he said....."It been too long" and throws her into the bedroom beats the shit out of her and rapes her. The next day late morning, early afternoon, he enters the bedroom with a screw driver and says...."You know what this is for, don't you?" and rapes her, first with the large handle end and when that doesn't cause her enough pain he shoves the sharp end in over and over and over and over again. While beating the shit out of her and knocking her unconscious. She wakes up some time later and he is gone...she calls the cops and the ball starts rolling.

SANE (Sexual Abuse Nurse Examiner) sees her at the hospital and takes several pictures. She's been crying for a couple hours at least, this was verified by the officers and the SANE nurse...Pictures show puffy eyes, but no bruising WHATSOEVER. 4 tiny bruises abrasions on her back, a red mark on her leg and what looked like a healing bruise lower down on her leg. Then pictures of her vagina. The SANE nurse uses this dye to show in better clarity any abnormalites, like cuts or other broken skin in and around the vagina. There is a 4 CM "tear" between her outer and inner lips, it was more like a scratch. (They hadn't had any intercourse in 8 months before this indident, both of them testified to this) There was "supposedly a GOUGE from the screwdriver taken out of her urethra, but no blood AT ALL anywhere this "gouge" was at least a half inch long by 1/4 inch wide. No panties as evidence, no sheets as evidence, nobody saw any blood at all. She also claimed that the screwdriver cause ANOTHER fistula between her vaginal and anal cavity, but, no fucking blood.

At trial, she brought up a gun...he had a gun the whole time he was shoving this screwdriver in and out of me!! No gun ever found. He took pictures, on a digital camera, no camera ever found. Her story, to me...TOTALLY unbelievable. He also testified on his own behalf...TOTALLY believable. The prosecution on the very first day of the trial showed his video that the police took the night of the incident and he was totally shocked and totally believable there too...I don't know why the prosecution even played this video honestly.

I've been wondering all day why the prosecution even brought this case.

Anyhow.....Get to the end of the trial today and....I am the lone alternate...I get sent home....MOTHER FUCKER was I pissed...I was so afraid this guy would be convicted if I wasn't there. That there would be some kind of compromise with the jurors and they'd find him guilty of one of the lesser charges on the first charge. I, within the last couple hours though, got a text from one of the people I made friends with during the trial.......NOT GUILTY on all charges....In this case....IMO the system worked!!!!


I upvoted your post but tbh I did read all of it. I just kind of scanned through it.

In my opinion jury duty should be voluntary and jurors should be compensated for their time. Treating it as a job instead of as a civic duty would probably attract a smarter stock of people who know about juror's rights.