Are Syrian people dying or is it that humanity is dead?

in #news7 years ago (edited)


The question remains.... This war in Syria which started off with peaceful demonstrations against a regime turned Swifty into a bloody battle between world powers...
It is interesting how those who currently rule, twist and turn reality so conveniently, that the masses follow those who rule like a herd of cattle...
The C.I.A initiated an operation to commence regime change in Syria and with their friends and Allies in the Arab world started to fund the Free Syrian Army which was the main opposition against Basher Al Asad and his government. Meanwhile Al-Qaeeda which is an off shoot American funded boogie man of the west also started to exploit the situation in Syria with it's main supplier of weapons and funds, namely Uncle Sam and The Saudi family pushed for Asad's removal.
Basher Al Asad got support for his rule from the Iranian regime which is believes in the Shia branch of Islam and got support from the Hezbollah of lebnon, another Shia dominating force.
So now this war suddenly becomes a Shia vs Sunni conflict, where a sudden emergence of an essentially Sunni Islamic caliphate is born..
ISIS acronym for Islamic State of Syria and Iraq well fed and funded by US dollars and equipment to fight The Syrian regime and counter the spread of Shia influence...
Suddenly when all seamed lost, Russia enters the war as guests of Asad, Swifty ISIS being defeated and war tilting in the favor of Asad...
The question remains.... All the while I wrote and you read the brief reality of this war, did you realize how much less of a human being we are?
We forgot about those families, those men, women and children, we forgot about those humans who became homeless and became widows and orphans.
Islam which is Abrahamic in it's belief, came to unite not only the three Abrahamic religions namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam into a bond of love and worship of the same God of Abraham but also came to unite all of Mankind into a bond of love, respect and peace.
Somehow those who seek to understand religion look at those who follow it rather than going to it's source, the book, the Quran.
Rationale is that if I want to learn about Christianity I won't look at Brad Pitt or George bush and judge Christianity by their actions, noooo, I would read it's source, the Gospels or as modern Christians say, the Bible.
So it is arrogant for Asad to stick to his power no matter how many Syrians die but it is also arrogant of those western powers to push for regime change and push for removal of Asad from power....
So the question remains... Is humanity dead???
Are we so dead that we see world powers flexing their muscles all the while the human race is being killed, tortured and injured???
Are we all dead inside???