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RE: Chester Bennington Commits Suicide

in #news8 years ago (edited)

I look at it as weak. You have 6 kids. Man the fuck up.

I have 2 kids and not nearly close to the amount of money he probably had. I know money doesn't buy happiness but spend it on things with your children & family to make you happy and healthy. I live in a cramped 2 bedroom apartment and live paycheck to paycheck. It's hard but I'm happy!

Edit: now if it's foul play that's a horse of a different color.


Yeah I mean I definitely understand that. I wanna know why nobody around him tried to get him help or was leaving him alone during this time. Idk, the whole thing is just sad.

A lot of the musician suicides make me think foul play. The record label owners now will make money off album sales increase due to their deaths.
