The Halo is coming to Formula 1 for the 2018 Season

Officially named the 'cockpit head protection system' aka the halo will be introduced to the sport in time for the 2018 season.
If you are a follower of the sport, you will know that the FIA has been trialling different methods of improving driver safety in the event of a series racing accident. Whilst several options put forward, the Halo quickly became the front runner several teams testing it on their cars in both the current and 2016 season.
F1 safety has improved so much since the early days when drivers stepped in cars not knowing if they would leave them alive, and we shouldn't take for granted the progress we've made in there areas. In fact safety innovation in F1 has lead to safety features added to the average road car.

However, I really have mixed feelings about the adoption of the halo. I remember Felipe Massa's accident back in 2009 in which a piece of debris hit his helmet at high speed. I don't think Massa ever drove the same again, its as if he lost his max speed. Also who can forget Jules Bianchi's accident in 2014 where he tragically lost his life. These accidents should make it an easy decision to make by the FIA.
But on the flip side part of F1 is the element of risk its part of the sport and show, with all drivers signing up to them terms and conditions when they enter the sport. I just have to wonder whether the Halo is the only safety measure we will see of this type, or will it be a stepping stone to move F1 from open-wheel to a sort of F1/touring car hybrid.
I'd be interested to know what your thoughts are on the halo.