Here are some ladies making an interesting and subtle point. In fact it's so interesting and subtle that simple souls like me cannot understand it.

I think it revolves around the idea that everybody's vagina is different. And that you should shout about this and wave your vagina in the faces of the general public in case, by not knowing this, they are somehow repressing you. Sadly these woman, by doing something I cannot do, have offended me and oppressed me. Whilst I have no vagina I demand the right to wave my vagina around too. And until I am granted this right I will never rest in my fight against inequality.
Also, I'm pretty sure if I got some mates together and we started displaying penis diversity in town on a Saturday afternoon, we'd all get arrested. Well who cares.... Fuck the matriarchy! Power to the Penis!
If you are free tonight, I can take you to a nice bar in West Hollywood where you can flaunt your member all night long :)
Hee hee. I can quite imagine.
You got it. I had that in my mind as I was getting all sarcastic!
I'm still waiting to be imbued with the power of Grayskull
They are the crazy woman. I hate the work
As a gentleman, I can not display my panis.
Right on!!
shake em' if you got em'!
somethings smells fishy about this...
Ah Nick, let me just wipe some of that dripping sarcasm up for you!