Teaching Post Are Not Getting Well!

in #news6 years ago

Educate the children is the main aim of the prime minister that they should work and concentrate on the the current education system of the country as they know that there is a great requirement of the teachers but when they have handover the entrance test to the two department who are responsible for the entrance test for the 9000 teaching post for the high and middle and primary school they are not doing well with the test exam!


So far they have took 5 tests for five different post like for the PST, SST ( math physics), SST ( General) SST(bio chemistry) they have failed so far to give a friendly and strong environment and they have not did well to arranging the Hall for the test as they are very weak they are not concentrating what is the main requirement and the management team in the different cities of the country is very corrupt .


When you came out from the test center you will find hundred of tests pictures on Facebook and in other social media pages that the test was already leak out but the department responsible for the entrance test is not taking any legal action against them they are taking the money for the post i know that all those post are already sold like as it was selling easily in the previous GOvt.

The promise done by the PM imran khan was not comes true this time and they have failed to make a new Pakistan where they will kill the corruption and they will have to manage the new team which will only work on talent talent is nothing in this country only money talks here and the seats will Goes to those who had paid for the post of 16 and BSP 17 so that is the nature of this country politicians that they will not do any thing legal they only like to make money by either way!


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