Peter Frampton Freaks Out On Cameraman During Live Performance

Remember Peter Frampton? You know the hits like "Baby I love your way", "Show Me the way", etc. etc.? Well, he was performing live at a concert and some woman was just dancing, enjoying the live tunes, & she decided to hold up copies of his albums. Well, the camera man thought it was a great idea to film that. Hey, maybe he thought it would look cool on the footage so people could see that LP's or records are actually still cool!
Apparently, Frampton artist extraordinaire…did NOT approve. He flipped out, yelled at the camera operator, & then tried (unsuccessfully) to rip his equipment away from him. Then, he fucking walks off the stage in a tantrum for 10 minutes.
Then, to make matters even worse…Frampton returns, he cut the large video screens during the live set which help the fans in the way way back to see what's goin on. Fans were pissed!
There was quite a backlash too…I'm wondering if this is an ego thing because the camera wasn't on him or something. Some fans certainly seem to think so. Pretty fucking ridiculous though…Hey Peter Frampton…grow up ya fuckin baby.
Wanna know what the kicker was? The final cherry on top…that same woman who was holding up Frampton's albums…had the fucking camera guy sign it! Bwaahwaahwaaaa!!!
