Penalties for gamblers, drunkards, fornicators, and LGBT in Aceh, Indonesia

in #news7 years ago

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Indonesia is a country which belongs to the majority muslim population the largest after saudi Arabia. many of the rules are also considering according to Islamic view. One of them in ACEH, aceh has a privilege given by indonesia namely special autonomy. Special autonomy is a special authority given to certain areas to arrange and take care of the interests of the local community according to its own initiative but in accordance with the rights and aspirations of the community in the area.

Aceh has special autonomy that governs rules in society, one is Islamic jurisprudence, the rule in aceh aimed at enforcing Islamic jurisprudence in the community. Here I take the wrong rules that exist in Islamic jurisprudence, namely the penalty CAMBUK. CAMBUK this is the punishment given to violators of the rules that exist in aceh.

The law of CAMBUK is used as a punishment as part of a series of ' criminal act ', including the selling of alcoholic beverages (alcohol), consensual sexual intercourse outside wedlock (adultery), and being alone in a closed place together other people of different sex outside wedlock (seclusion).

In the month of may, the people of aceh, was surprised by the existence of a Gay in aceh, and the gay couples successfully captured. This is the first time in aceh. and after this arrest any set rules about punishment for gay couples because it had violated the existing jurisprudence in aceh.

The gay couple sentenced 85 times the whip in public. and at that time many people from outside aceh to arrive, no exception whatsoever coming from overseas, a lot of media from abroad who came to aceh to cover special action punishment whip.

So, don't ever sinned like this in Aceh. because there will be punishment in the world before the afterlife.