
yes i know it's hot in Australia. but global cooling comes with extreme volatile weather. it's like the third law of Newton, action=reaction. I recommend you to read the article linked below and keep an open mind with the sunspot activity. Besides the cooling, the decline in sunspot activity is the cause of the wake up of the "ring of fire of vulcanoes" and that means automatically global cooling as less sunlight energy reaches earth. The fun thing is, it all happened before, as the sun has a cyclical output of energy.

I don’t read any stuff from Martin Armstrong as i believe he is just a liar.

can you give me an example of one of his lies?

Look at my comments on this post:

Armstrongs explanation is wrong so you have the first lie.

Well, that's your opinion. I've read your article and comments, but i haven't read an alternative explanation. No mention of sunspot activity either. Still haven't seen any arguments why Armstrong is wrong.