Jeffrey Epstein's 'Suicide': A Peek Into The Black Heart Of The Ruling Class
We live in a contrived reality. Even those of us who believe we have travelled down every rabbit hole, swallowed every handful of redpills until we damn near overdose, we often find there is still another demon lurking behind the curtain of the narrative, further exposing us to a truth often too raw to digest.
But for many of us, even a slither of the black, putrid slime that lies just beneath the carefully constructed facade we call day to day life has not penetrated our subconsciousness. Many American, Brit and most of the inhabitants who linger aimlessly in the crumbling ruins of western civilisation remain blissfully unaware of the depravity that governs us all.
For many of us, the world revolves around our sports team, our social life and our attachment to popular culture, mindlessly trawling Twitter for the latest celebrity gossip or posting selfies to present our own facade to whoever may be paying attention. To many, talk of anything that deviates from the narrative that keeps us in the cage of our own mind is too unfathomable, too threatening, it is often dismissed as hyperbole at best, mental sickness at worst. Because at the end of it, if we took just a peek behind the curtain, the dispensers of information that keep us inside of our mental prison, and I suspect on a very unconscious level ourselves know that the narrative would crumble. Nothing would ever be the same again.
Sometimes however, the curtain slips too far, too fast that all of us are forced to gaze upon the unmasked monster as it struggles to hide its ghastly features. August the 10th, 2019 was one such day. The 'suicide' of the billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who was awaiting trial accused of sex trafficking really came as no shock to those of us who have been watching the ruling class with an ever increasingly cynical eye for some time.
To those of us who some might deem as paranoid, or even god forbid conspiracy theorists, we were really just counting the days until Jeffrey Epstein departed from this mortal realm. Let's face it, a notorious sex trafficker who was alleged to have provided some of the world's most powerful men with sex slaves, who potentially could of spilled the beans on them to save his own sorry behind didn't have a lot of days left on this earth. It was only matter of time before a noose was tied around his neck, because at the end of the day, dead men don't talk.
It seems as if it has all gone away now for the royalty, banking behemoth's and politicians from both sides of the aisle who frequented Epstein's twisted world. Epstein's death has conveinently resulted in the termination of the criminal case and it is highly likely that none of the bombshell revelations of depravity and evil perpetrated by members of the ruling class will ever see the light of day. The curtain has been drawn once again. Or has it?
To me, the most intriguing part of this turn of events is not the actual event itself, it is the reaction from normies. LITERALLY NOBODY BELIEVES EPSTEIN COMMITTED SUICIDE. Regardless of who it is; partisans who are blaming either Trump or Clinton for the death, even some members of the establishment themselves and more importantly completely disengaged normal people, nobody, anywhere buys the suicide narrative. Just for a second, the public have seen behind the curtain, and this slip of the mask is bound to have some serious ramifications for the narrative of the ruling class.
To understand this, ask yourself a few simple questions: If you was to ask a normie one week before Epstein's death if the establishment could conspire to murder someone who was a grave threat to them, what do you think the answer would be? Some might say maybe, more would probably scoff at you. Ask them that same question now. I reckon many would answer with a resounding yes after this week. And probably most importantly, what if you was to ask a layperson whether they believed the entire ruling elite, therefore by extension the entire establishment was just as corrupt as any 3rd world Banana Republic just one mere week ago? I suspect the answers would be of a similar ratio to the previous question. Ask them the same question now.
This week, the system's carefully constructed narrative has been disrupted. Ironically by their own hand's. The inconsistencies and the remarkable serendipity that led to the perfect outcome for many a powerful individual is just too outlandish a narrative to believe. Even those who remain plugged into the machine, blindly following the culture like a lamb to slaughter has had their rigid firewall penetrated, even if it amounts to little more than a slight intrusion to some. If I was to entertain a hypothetical notion and propose that Epstein was murdered, then I would have to come to the conclusion that his incarceration had a lot of people in panic mode, which caused them to act so recklessly. But of course I would never propose such a theory as I am a servile and loyal believer in my media and establishment overlords.
Regardless of what the actual truth is regarding the Epstein story, regardless of your own personal theory as to the who's and why's, the cat for many is out of the bag. Many this week were forced to slightly pull the bandage away from the gaping wound of our once great civilisation and observe the rotting tissue and smell the gangrenous flesh, albeit for just a little bit. The curtain had slipped. The contrived reality force-fed to us was replaced by the sobering truth of the evil that governs us. For those who rule over us, the exposure of their black beating heart will be a problem if not properly managed. Expect the propaganda machine to go into overdrive in the coming days and weeks, because those in power know that Jeffrey Epstein has to die, not just in a physical sense, but also in the abstract. Because if the skeletons in Jeffrey Epstein's closet were laid bare for all to see, the faux legitimacy of our criminal elites would be under monumental threat.