Lee Camp: DNC Joke

in #news8 years ago

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Do you know why “Red Riding Hood” story is so scary? Cause you do not expect a wolf in a Granny's clothes. DNC is a wolf who presents himself as a Granny, while eating children! With complete impunity! OK, let's see who is the donkey now?

The dismissal of the DNC Fraud Lawsuit case solidifies what we already had a feeling was true: the Democratic party feels no obligation to the people it claims to represent. This is important because it doesn’t only apply to the 2016 election, but all elections going forward. If someone defrauds you and has 0 repercussions, there’s a 100% chance they’ll defraud you again.

Senior War Expert Natalie McGill introduces the public with a “Military Disneyland”. You don't believe? No matter who is president, we will always make the normalization of endless war. There’s even a military “adventure” camp in Kentucky for tweens whose parents want them to have a taste of military life. Normalizing violence and militarism for kids in a country where 90% of our drone killings hit unintended targets and nearly 30k vets are homeless is shameful.

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Politicians say we should let the ‘free market’ help victims of the hurricane (Obviously the Fed govt should only be spending money on wars and the subsidization of big banks and the oil industry), but it’s the private sector that enabled the destruction of Houston. When ProPublica did a reported on how the city is not prepared for hurricanes last year, it had no effect on public policy. Local officials even snubbed building regulations to pave over prairie land that would have soaked up large amounts of water. For a detailed explanation turn to our correspondant Naomi Karavani.

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This and more on Redacted Tonight!

Earlier episodes of Redacted Tonight:

Redacted Tonight #162 — Lee Camp: Leak’n’hack
Redacted Tonight #161 — Lee Camp: Monumental Question
Redacted Tonight #160 — Lee Camp: Extinction by Capitalism!
Redacted Tonight #159 — Lee Camp: Drug War was never about drugs!
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Redacted Tonight #157 — Lee Camp: Police on steroids!
Lee Camp: How to read MSM -- Crash Course! (From Redacted Tonight VIP #69)
Redacted Tonight #156 — Banks run this country!
Redacted Tonight #155 — Lee Camp: MSM Chemical Attack!
Redacted Tonight #154 — Lee Camp: Are people allowed to live?
Redacted Tonight #153 — Lee Camp: Bezos Borg!
Redacted Tonight #152 — Lee Camp: America Is Being Sold Off!
Redacted Tonight #151 — Lee Camp: People need to chill out!
Redacted Tonight #150 — Lee Camp: US Government explains Saudi democracy in 20 seconds!
Redacted Tonight VIP #63 — Bill Ottman
Redacted Tonight #149 — Lee Camp: Can I pay with my liver?
Redacted Tonight #148 — Lee Camp: Pigs Sh*t for voters!
Redacted Tonight #147 — Lee Camp: LAST WARNING! Big Corps want to “Restore Internet Freedom”!
Redacted Tonight #146 — Lee Camp: Wall Street owns our Government!
Redacted Tonight VIP #58 — Power of Media and the great Exodus – Prof. Ramesh Srinivasan
Redacted Tonight #145 — Lee Camp: Lying Language Of War & Media
Redacted Tonight #144 — Lee Camp: Warning – War Porn episode!
Redacted Tonight #143 — Lee Camp: Waiting for the sky to fall? Works are in progress!
Redacted Tonight #142 — Lee Camp: Next Financial Collapse On Horizon
Redacted Tonight #141 — Lee Camp: Slave owners are among us!
Redacted Tonight VIP #53 — Abby Martin
Redacted Tonight #140 — Lee Camp: Surveilance State is not Adorable!
Redacted Tonight #139 — Lee Camp: I don’t watch TV to be spied on, but to be manipulated!
Redacted Tonight #138 — Lee Camp: Education IS Revolution!
Redacted Tonight #137 — Lee Camp: Brainwashing, veterans at Starbucks & liars calling liars LIARS!
Redacted Tonight #136 — Lee Camp: We Are Subsidizing Our Death
Redacted Tonight #135 — Lee Camp: War on Iran
Redacted Tonight #134 — Lee Camp: I'm beginning to think that politicians lie to us to get elected

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Thank you for speaking on this injustice! People have normalized war for far too long and we need to take a stand if we want it to stop from hurting our children anymore!